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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I definitely spent a frustrated 45 minutes trying to figure out why curl wasn’t working when it was supposed to be supported in PowerShell.

    then I hit tab a couple of times and noticed curl.exe was an option, that works exactly the same as I had expected with original syntax.

    they do this to a lot of things though a lot of common commands end up being an alias to a powershell command with a specific option set that doesn’t always line up

  • lots of questions, I haven’t moved jobs in a while because I’m happy where I am but I’ve added to these even when interviewing people to join my team.

    • what is your policy for overtime or comp time when there are evening or weekend emergencies?
    • how often do people tend to need to be available outside of standard working hours?
    • what does success in this position look like for me 6 months down the road?
    • how often do tasks and priorities change last minute?
    • how long has the average person been on the team?
    • what is the policy on sick days, vacation days, etc
    • what is the remote work policy
    • how flexible are they on work hours? if it’s a salary position, generally you will have work to do, but many bosses won’t care if you take a 2-hour lunch and do some grocery shopping or whatever. as long as overall you’re doing your work and getting things sorted.
    • when interviewing with team members instead of just the new management, it’s a good idea to ask them about the managers style, and what they like about working there.
    • (generally by the interview you should have some idea of what the actual job entails, but if not, ask a bunch of questions related to that. what kind of system are you developing for, is it primarily supporting new feature or handling sustaining issues, what languages are used, what is the environment, etc)