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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’m not a doctor so this is me just trying to piece together info from other sources, but it sounds like overfeeding can cause a lot of issues that premature babies aren’t developed enough to deal with on their own, like severe gas and bloating. Depending on how delicate the baby is, this might lead to a cascade of problems that are difficult to diagnose, treat, and recover from. With babies that underdeveloped, even something as benign as eating too much can become deadly.

    But again, not a doctor, and a quick Google search turned up a bunch of complicated articles that don’t really clarify. I just know that it was one of her strategies for worsening the babies’ condition.

  • She alternated between giving them insulin, injecting air into their bloodstream, and overfeeding them. The babies that recovered most likely did so either because they weren’t in bad shape to begin with, or because they coded while a competent doctor or nurse was on call and able to stabilize them, or because of luck. One of the babies she attempted to kill survived, but has severe cerebral palsy and requires a feeding tube. There’s no definitive way to say that the nurse’s attempts on her life caused her condition, as she was already a preemie and at risk for multiple complications, but I’d say the lack of durability definitely led to at least some lasting damage for some of the babies that recovered.

  • Something I’d like to share:

    I’ve been periodically checking reddit in my Browser to see what’s going on. I commented last week about noticing a sharp decrease in posts on “my” front page. Since then I’ve observed a few more interesting things.

    1. Late last week, I noticed that multiple subreddits (BORU and PICS in particular) had like 2-4 posts when sorted by “top, 24 hours.” It wasn’t a case of having to click “next” (I really miss rifs endless scrolling feature…) to navigate to a second page of posts; there was no 2nd page. That was it.

    2. I also noticed that on the mobile website, ads are designed to look nearly identical to posts (imo it was more obvious that they were ads on rif), and most of the time the website would only have 1 or 2 posts before one of these fake ad posts, so your user experience is immediately impacted.

    3. The ads don’t seem to be as targeted as they used to be. I used to get ads that seemed to be geared toward me, my searches, and interests. Creepy, but I found it way less annoying than the alternative. Which is apparently a lot of “He Gets Us” and ads for complicated electronics or unnecessary services. Like a mobile vet clinic that isn’t even available in my area, lol.

    4. The bot posts are getting obvious and WEIRD. I took screenshots last weekend because just about every other post had a robotic, overly formal, and/or downright confusing title. Here are some examples:

    56.3k, front page: “A brain tumour changed her life Her nerves are badly damaged! But today she opened a car door…walked…opened a gym door…walked and sat down …BY HERSELF what a lady”

    [Quotation marks, format, and ellipses are original]

    40.5k, front page: The trapped dog doesn’t wait a bit to hug the rescuer after being freed…

    Same weird ellipses, and the way it’s phrased is like a “correct the mistakes” worksheet for 2nd graders.

    I think Reddit is in the “find out” stage of their fucking around, even if it’s a quiet or subtle change to the casual observer.

    I also tried going to ModCoord [I’m not a mod it just felt like a good place to find updates] and, on my end, it looks like almost everything has been deleted. The same day I took screenshots, /r/PICS posted a public response to reddit’s threats, which weren’t even acknowledged on modcoord. The most recent post I could see was something from GallowBoob? It was really odd.

    Is the website being glitchy? Probably. That is, after all, part of the root of this problem. But if anything, I’d say it’s pretty clear that the content has decreased in both quality and depth in the last 10 days. Even if a lot of users are still signing in, I don’t think they’re posting, commenting, or voting as much as they used to. That may be a reflection of the quality of posts, or of users displeasure at the situation, but regardless of where it came from, at least it’s something.

  • How do I contact my instance admin?

    I went ahead and logged out and back in on my own, but I was not prompted to do so by Lemmy and I don’t know enough about this stuff to say whether or not doing it on my own would’ve helped. I’m still pretty overwhelmed trying to figure this site out, so I apologize if this is a dumb question, just want to make sure I’m doing what I can to protect my own privacy.

    I don’t want to fall for the millennial version of a Nigerian prince scam, lol.

  • I’m not worried about upvotes or downvotes being seen by anyone, but I am very worried about other personal info being seen by any admins. I have a very real, very scary stalker, and if all they had to do was create an instance to see my private information…

    To be clear, I know that’s not what’s currently happening, but it feels like a bit of a slippery slope when pretty much anyone can become an admin and things aren’t super secure yet.

    I’m kind of regretting giving my email to sign up, now. I just don’t know enough about this stuff to know whether or not that’s a valid concern.