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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023

  • My comment isn’t on your script, it is on paper-selection…

    Please have several, orthogonal, selection-systems:

    • most-cited,

    • most trustworthy researchers

    • most unique area of research, or most unique question, or something

    • most central to new tech

    • most central to old tech

    • most undernoticed, big potential… ( things that should be big news, but the global novelty-addiction ignores it )

    • best fundamental science ( definitely include this category! )

    • best citizen-science


    iow, the algorithm that most use, which is “paying attention to what others are paying attention to” is an algorithm we shouldn’t be assigning our viability to, you know?

    Also, you may need to make a flexible-limit for dumbing-down, as some papers may have a higher limit and others a lower limit, so some could be easy for most to get the sense of, but some might be tricky … and it might well do more good to let them have their different thresholds, see?


    • they said that it shows the emission of electromagnetic energy has the same cause, but didn’t explain what that cause is…

    • they said that magnetars don’t emit energy all the time, so we had to catch them when they did emit: that is false: we have to catch them when they’re emitting at us, which is a very-different frame-of-reference.

    Also, if the things are neutron-stars, then how the hell can they even have any electromagnetic field?

    Neutrons are neutral.

    It must be a crust of non-neutron protons & electrons, or the plasma swirling in, or something, that’s producing the electromagnetic field…

    No need to bother commenting on anything I say:

    just random thoughs flitting through a deteriorating old brain…

  • The models/simulations are falsified by the evidence:


    Notice that that darkens the planet’s albedo, accelerating the progression of ClimatePunctuation/GlobalWarming…

    and that the models/simulations contradict the evidence, saying that what happened wouldn’t happen.

    The real & correct prediction is that we have already put 5-6C global-warming’s worth of CO2 into the atmosphere, AND we have also added other greenhouse gasses, like methane, & sulfur-hexafluoride.

    Here is the robust fact:


    The powerlaw they discovered that governs the interglacial temperatures is this:

    280ppm is a good pre-industrial CO2 measure.

    • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2) == +1C
    • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^2 == +2C
    • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^3 == +3C
    • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^4 == +4C
    • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^5 == +5C ( we are at 421, which is above this )
    • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^6 == +6C
    • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^7 == +7C
    • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^8 == +8C
    • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^9 == +9C ( aka 280ppm * 2 == +9C )

    At that point, the CO2 level has been doubled.

    CO2 acts like the Gate in a bipolar transistor: the tiny current you put into the gate, the HUGE current flows through the Source-Drain part of the transistor.

    Increase the CO2, & that increases the moisture in the atmosphere, which MASSIVELY increases the amount of retained solar heat.

    Pretending that +2C is attainable, now, is delusional.

    I’m no longer certain that there will be ANY life around the equator, in 1 century, at or near the surface.