I’ve bought pretty expensive equipment, tube amplifier, many fancy headphones, optical DACs. A library full of FLAC files. I even purchased a $500 portable DAP. I’ve never been able to reliably tell a difference between FLAC and 320k MP3 files. At this point, it really doesn’t concern me anymore either, but I at least like to see my fancy tube amp light up.
I will say, though, $300 seems to be the sweet-spot for headphones for me.
How can you expect yourself to integrate well into any conversation when you’re fixated on “well technically…”
If 99% of people colloquially agree that A = B, then it doesn’t really matter if ‘A’ and ‘B’ are really the same thing if everybody knows what we’re talking about. It’s the most obnoxious shit when someone tries to argue in this way, and you’re not convincing anybody or adding anything meaningful to the discussion.