Your tax dollars at work.
Your tax dollars at work.
Thats his OPA.
Obscure Personal Acronym
You’d be wrong. You can whip up blood pancakes!
Did you hear his inauguration speech? Where he lamented the poor downtrodden billionaires who were now homeless because of the fires in LA?
The “run government like a business” crowd gets to me. I’d like to see business run like a government. Owned and controlled by the workers.
I think on the doctor tier, revoked license doctor is just under doctor of chiropractic.
Well. That’s terrifying.
My uncle was a pilot and ran his little plane off the end of the runway. That counted as a crash.
Oh, they’ll be fucking! Fucking us over…
I think we’re seeing both sides of the problem.
… Three sixteenths… I mean it Donald, you behave yourself right now!!
Those are extenuating circumstances. All allowances should be made for pregnant ladies. All other times I’m a lid down man. That time when I was drunk and squished my balls while sitting on the lid were my own damn fault.
I’ve never pissed on the lid while creeping sleepily to the loo in the middle of the night. I don’t see how people falling in toilets haven’t stubbed their toes clean off, walking around blindly all the time.
We have tattoos.
I can’t believe they haven’t made the Great Lakes great again. Lake America has a nice ring to it.
I’m in Canada, it’s been snowing for days and we have 2 feet.
Oh? It works for me? Maybe it’s a sync hiccup.
If lemmy ever catches on ^doubt it’ll be a reddit fractal.
So we’re going to get a couple of jobs, but they’re going to be filled by
people already here.temporary foreign workers
Do we know that? Probably a vice president at tesla now.