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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Pika@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldVictory 🙌
    1 year ago

    so AAA typically arrive late

    that’s IF they arrive at all. Many studios/publishers just don’t care about lower hardware anymore. If it doesn’t run on current day hardware they don’t release it for it. Especially with Linux and Mac. The best time to get a release for the the two would be release day, after that it’s diminishing results

    I firmly believe that with the move to ARM, they gutted macos gaming capability past the point of no return. You used to be able to say that you could run compatibility layers on it but, the new architecture makes it super hard to do so. Even virtualizing it via VirtualBox is a pain in the butt on the new system. I’ve just been telling customers if you want any type of gaming support, choose anything but the new macs.

  • I see why people use downvoting this way, especially since that was the norm on reddit which a good portion of the base fled from, I find the same issue I had with downvotes on reddit to apply here as well though. I try to advocate down votes to be not out of personal opinion, but a reflection that the content is either useless or harmful to the existing conversation. This allows posts that are actually useful and contribute to the discussion to exist even if they are unpopular to peoples opinion. Just because you don’t like the post, doesn’t mean the post isn’t true or useful, which is why I find that form of downvoting ideology to be harmful overall.

    That being said, I would find the parent comment you replied to as constructive to the conversation…Up until they started egging people on with “is getting people super angry” I wouldn’t call this being downvoted for not agreeing, I would call it being downvoted for not being constructive to the post at hand(as there’s no need to actively try to get people to rage at you with a post like that)

  • I am actually debating canceling my yt premium sub over it and im going to twitch turbo, I have been progressively using yt less and less anyway and to be honest, the new price point (which was 13.99 for me) is not worth the benefits it provides. mobile queuing can be used via playlist or watch later, adverts are annoying but avoidable with new found apps approaching. Downloading for offline use is a joke, it barely has ever worked for me. Picture in Picture mode is buggy and for the most part I don’t use it. This combined with the absolute crap recommendation system they have had the last few years(like seriously its all either stuff in my watch history or stuff that is unrelated to anything I watch). I’m sure they are just following every other company but, it might just push me off lol

    Also to clarify your nuking account thing. I expect you signed up via either apple subscriptions or google play subs, both of which take a chunk out of the money given. So that might be what is going on with the price diff.

  • I’m not 100% sure where the confusion is coming from so I apologize in advance for the ignorance. Yea universal as in you can do everything there. I’m not sure how the term universal would mean there can only be one. It would be counter productive to the freedom of the internet to have it that way. I would prefer to be able to access everything from one app. Would save a buttload of space on my phone and would make things universally easier by having the same interface across everything. I would prefer it to not be twitter since the platform sucks, but I wouldn’t be against something like that and thats the wonderfulness of the internet, you can have more than one service doing the same thing.

    The term universal and distinct are not mutual, unless I misunderstood the definition of universal somewhere

    A good example of this would be pideon, I used to use that as a service to be able to access XMPP, IRC, Skype (back in the day), and google chat. Universal app that could be used for all my social needs, without having a monopoly.

  • Yeah I fully agree typescript does help in terms of knowing what type of types you should be supplying to functions, and for the most part I do use it for non-library purpose/anything that doesn’t rely on a third party, I just feel like typescript isn’t worth it when you have data that’s returned at run time that’s controlled by a third party service. You end up coding more in class definition files then you would just using normal tests

  • So the biggest issue is the project relies extremely heavily on a third party API service, and since the data is received over said service, typescript is unable to infer what the objects the API is sending is because it sends during runtime, to get around this I have to define everything that I expect that the library is going to have to handle that would be Recieved, since any object that the API is going to return is just going to have a type of any if it’s not defined, this on top of the fact that the API has stated that the data being sent should not be relied on for being accurate and types may change randomly(usually it does not but it has happend, it sucks but out of my control) means that I generally also have to have a function level test the data when it’s received to make sure that the value is being supplied are the correct type and are formatted in a way that the library can still understand it. Which means that it’s able to catch any inconsistency of typing before it would be processed anyway, and would either warn or throw depending on how important the function is to actual operation.

    The reason why I would call it standard is because it seems like basically anywhere you look if you are using node, you’re using typescript they go hand in hand it seems as of the last two or three years, but honestly I’ve never really understood the benefit of, I’ve always thought it was a fairly standard to have at the beginning of a function the documentation of what each perimeter should be unless it is easily verified by looking at it.

    As for my setup, it’s not very advanced it’s just Sublime Text with linter hooked to it, which does tell me on save if there’s a typescript error or if I formatted something wrong, but again even if one did happen to slip through that it would fail during the testing phase due to the fact that it would throw at the function level.

    My opinion of my experience with typescript has been that it’s great if everything is operated in house, but the second you start having to deal with stuff that comes from an external source any advantage of the check just seems not worth the extra effort to make sure typescript works right.

  • I mean I guess that could be helpful, I’ve never really had that issue so I have yet to see the benefit of it. I just find it useless work that you’re typing out for something that the engine itself isn’t going to be able to see anyway, which means you’re going to have to have unit tests coded in regardless. And I wouldn’t say just a little more coding, typescript when implemented into my project doubled the amount of code provided, I’m trying to use it because I do understand it’s a standard, but I really don’t understand why it’s a universal standard, considering that everything it does is completely syntax sugar/coder side and it doesn’t actually interact with the underlying engine. I feel the same way about coffee script honestly.