Finnish guy

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  • 15 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 1st, 2021


  • Just read that woman’s manifesto and it was exactly the kind of shit that one writes after reading too much Linkola and Kaczynski, in addition to finishing the first course of philosophy in upper secondary school. The humanity is doomed because of excessive individualism and consumerism, and countries should strive economically for degrowth instead of growth. Governments should do more things for the environment and grassroots action is necessary. TikTok makes people dumb and ignorant of societal issues. “Drastic measures are required, for we have gone too far”… and the solution is to have a gun and kill a bunch of people??? These people don’t really have creative solutions for such big problems.

  • When someone says “I’m not against all vaccines, just the ones for COVID”, he is usually lying. In time this “skepticism” will slide into being against even the common vaccines and it can be seen now. My favorite blog Respectful Insolence had a good post about the so-called “medical freedom”:

    "Health freedom” and “medical freedom” have become a rallying cry for libertarians, far right wingers, and even outright fascists. Indeed, the Republican Party has become a bastion of antivaccine and anti-public health hostility, a process that actually predates the pandemic by at least several years. “Health freedom” and “medical freedom” have always been code words for dismantling public health infrastructure, anything resembling a vaccine mandate (even in schools), and dismantling the FDA.