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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • I thought about this comment, and realized that somehow, I just don’t care so much about what happens to Reddit anymore. Instead of worrying about what I left behind, I’m looking forward to what’s ahead of us.

    I think it’s because even before the whole 3d-party-app drama, there already was this undefined feeling that Reddit’s best days are behind it. Maybe it’s the effect of ad money and monetization, or it’s the inevitable trend towards low quality content that comes with mass adoption, probably it’s both.

    Whatever the cause, in most subreddits, the old Facebook-style rot had already set in. Once-cool subs now being an endless barrage of tired memes, bots farming karma, and people being assholes. The things I joined for years ago, the engaging discussion, random encounters with amazing experts, the cutting-edge internet anarchy, it’s all already long gone.

    When I opened the app (Baconreader in my case), I only did it out of habit, to then spendy time scrolling through an endless list of things that made me slightly go “heh”.

    So, maybe most people will stay on Reddit for now, and probably I will have to leave behind certain communities instead of finding direct replacements. But I see that as a good thing. As long as even just 2% of Reddit’s users make it here, I’m excited it will grow into something much better than what I left behind.

  • I thought about this comment, and realized that somehow, I just don’t care so much anymore. Instead of worrying about what I left behind, I’m looking forward to what’s ahead of us.

    I think it’s because even before the whole 3d-party-app drama, there already was this undefined feeling that Reddit’s best days are behind it. Maybe it’s the effect of ad money and monetization, or it’s the inevitable trend towards low quality content that comes with mass adoption, probably it’s both.

    Whatever the cause, in most subreddits, the old Facebook-style rot had already set in. Once-cool subs now being an endless barrage of tired memes, bots farming karma, and people being assholes. The things I joined for years ago, the engaging discussion, random encounters with amazing experts, the cutting-edge internet anarchy, it’s all already long gone.

    When I opened the app (Baconreader in my case), I only did it out of habit, to then spendy time scrolling through an endless list of things that made me slightly go “heh”.

    So, maybe most people will stay on Reddit for now, and probably I will have to leave behind certain communities instead of finding direct replacements. But I see that as a good thing. As long as even just 2% of Reddit’s users make it here, I’m excited it will grow into something much better than what I left behind.

  • Honestly I don’t understand this take. I mean we all just came from a site called “Reddit”. How does that have anything to do with if we use it or not? And caring about if it’s a “cool” name or not, and then suggesting something super generic and boring… seriously, how old are people who think that way? Are you all twelve, and worried about what your friends will think about you when you’re using weirdly-named apps? Who would give a fuck?

    And I want to make it clear that I don’t just object to the argument of choosing another blander name, but to the the notion itself that having boring, unimaginative, derivative, bland and sanitized branded names somehow would be better than unique ones. How simple-minded and devoid of all fantasy and joy and frankyl, a sad life that must be to think that!

  • No, I like the name wefwef! It is a perfectly fine name, it’s unique to your project, granting you immediate recogniza- and googlability, and honestly, I don’t understand most people advocating for a change. God forbid we had an app or service name that was a bit fun and unique for once! No, let’s change the project name just as it’s getting popular, confusing everyone and hurting your Google rank, just to have another bland and boring name instead that’s completely forgettable and shared by hundreds of other things! Are most of these commenters, like, 12, and still at an age where it’s very very important that your friends perceive you as using only what’s a child’s idea of “cool” stuff? I honestly can’t think of any other reason. Name it Awesome Monster App then!

    So, no, in short keep it at wefwef! Lowercase and fun pronunciation and all! And for next year’s April Fool’s, announce a big name change, and then reveal that name to be “weewee”, just to fuck with all the haters. Wefwef is the best app/service name in years!

    Just my two cents.