I was raised in a rural area. The amount of friends I made in life after forty years is…zero. Aside from a sibling, I don’t have anyone to count on. I am also too poor to afford visiting bars or other social things, so I can’t learn how to be around people, let alone establish ties. It is my belief that America’s shitty economy is the source of these issues, because a person can’t blossom if they don’t have the fiscal agency to escape a tiny bubble.
The internet let me develop as a person, but that can only go so far. I can’t afford risks, such as trying beer, an escort to lose my virginity, or travel. Poverty is a prison without walls.
I am guessing that Musk will create a Muskcoin, and offer to ‘sell’ it for a preferable rate to the US government. Coincidentally, the Muskcoin uses the X Everything platform for all transactions.
With each day that passes, I am becoming more convinced that shifting 99% of my money into Euros is the right call.