You can block instances in your settings. For your instance, that’s lemmy.ca/settings then selects blocks and add the instances you want to block
You can block instances in your settings. For your instance, that’s lemmy.ca/settings then selects blocks and add the instances you want to block
A Short Hike is a fantastic game.
6/10 that’s a pretty low score. It’s an easy 7, maybe an 8.
This game is extremely innovative in the way it creates puzzles. It’s not particularly long, but that’s not a downside really, it’s a proof they didn’t pad the length with mindless repetition.
worth it if you’re a fan of the genre
If you like puzzles, artsy games, and especially innovative mechanics, then it’s very much worth checking out.
Superliminal draws heavy inspiration from Portal and The Stanley Parable
The narrative setting and tone is similar, otherwise even these two are very different games gameplay wise. Portal is a 3D first person puzzle game. Stanley Parable is a walking simulator with a parody, meta narrative, deconstruction of video games.
Check out Q.U.B.E. or Q.U.B.E. 2 for a good 3D first person puzzle game.
As soon as some activity starts, people who want to mod will show up.