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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • Sorta, but that’s not the whole story. We have two legislative bodies, the House of Representatives and the Senate. In the senate, every state gets two senators. In the house, every state gets at least two representatives, plus some amount based on population - california has 52, for instance.

    The original idea was to “make sure rural voices were heard”. In practice, it very much has been what you stated - if you’re educated but not rich enough to benefit from republican policies, you flee red states en masse, leaving mostly rich assholes and uneducated chucklefucks who are hurt most by the very people they elect. They then have a massively disproportionate effect on policy versus any joe schmoe in california.

  • Trans woman competes as man before transitioning, is mediocre at best

    Trans woman transitions, beats multiple world records for X women’s sports.

    I’m not even gonna bother typing “transgender athletes setting world records into google” for you, you’ve either conveniently forgotten or willfully ignored these examples.

    I just - almost everything else I get. I too would be rather upset at people calling for my head or saying I’m the work of the devil.

    But there is evidence showing trans women have a massive advantage over cis women. It’s equal rights, not “fuck you I want more rights than you now”. That means you gotta compromise sometimes, and not just stick your head in the sand and shout oppression at every single speed bump.