“Accountability”, fuck I hate that word. These days it’s basically only used by people who will never take responsibility for anything, ever.
“Accountability”, fuck I hate that word. These days it’s basically only used by people who will never take responsibility for anything, ever.
We say that but it only goes so far/it needs to go very far if we want to see what they’re doing right now actually stop or, if we dare to dream, be reversed. And the more they do right now the less actual support they need, come election time. Remember that conservatives are so terrified of some made-up “leftist” that they will even admit, if they have any self-awareness at all, to voting against their own interests in order to avoid that scenario. It’ll take a lot to convince to them to simply not show up, let alone hold their representatives accountable. And even if the Democrats get any sort of power, will they actually do anything with it or continue to sit on their hands while criminals run around?
I’m still hopeful because I have to be, but we can’t just “nah” away the very real chance that the country is fucking toast for at least the next four years and that outrage will only propel them to work harder towards making sure they don’t face consequences, not to doing the right thing. It’s how it’s always happened, and it’s way more aggressive than it’s ever been.
Also even if his voters hate what’s happening there’s nothing they can do about it now. All the power was handed over and the damage is done, no amount of regret will change anything now that the GOP feels capable of doing literally whatever they want and have all these majorities.
The writing was on the wall but that country is largely illiterate so it didn’t much matter.
Interesting that he’s going easier on China than us or Mexico. Sorry, I meant obvious.
First, you said “I completely agree with him”. If you do not understand how that might mean we think that means you agree with his rationale then writing your assignments by hand clearly didn’t help you that much.
But anyway:
Because sometimes you need to research things for homework? Because the kids with reliable internet will still be able to use it, will use it, and will have an unfair advantage over the kids who don’t have the same level of access(usually because their parents aren’t as well off, perpetuating the cycle of poverty). Even if we decided that every single piece of homework was to be 100% handwritten that wouldn’t make the internet go away and these problems would still persist.
It’s so much more nuanced than some weak take that doesn’t do much but expose your lack of understanding of the issue. Yes, there are some clear advantages to maybe scaling things back a little but this not the way to do it, not even a little bit.
I imagine if those obey the robots.txt thing that it’s not a problem.
The problem with a website full of nerds is that someone will beat you to even more obscure references haha
He is literally, outloud, complaining that the reason is because maybe kids who are unsupervised and have access to things are somehow going to have less access(??) to conservative viewpoints. The society he’s so afraid of creating is one where he cannot control children’s access to filtered, conservative-biased media, and since pretty much every conservative talking point is a lie, exaggeration, or manipulated perspective they desperately need to be in control of the flow of information. They’re literally banning paper books, bro.
Also this is about hotspot use being expanded outside of schools(“off-premises”), but if that comment is your take then maybe reading comprehension isn’t your thing. Guess those paper textbooks didn’t really do anything to help you, either.
(Literally in the first line it explains that the intention is to help kids without reliable internet get their homework done. He just hates poor people, big surprise.)
Nobody…except everyone? Pay attention, bud.
We also know that they aren’t failing. The fear behind them, the fact that visible minorities do not feel safe and that his base feels empowered to go after them as well, that’s all working as planned.
Do you think “change” is the only important thing there? People want good change, and many know what that looks like. They didn’t have to compete against Trump’s marketting of the same concept, they just needed to finally grow a spine and do the things people have been pleading for for years.
I hate it, too, that wasn’t my intention with the response and I added an edit.
But yes, it fucking sucks that the country constantly has such awful choices.
Let’s be clear, while this is all definitely Trump’s fault it wasn’t not being an old, white male that did her in. She was aggressively centre-right and when people want change, when we can all see that the whole world needs change, running on “slightly less garbage and slowly moving in the right direction eventually maybe” is not very energizing.
That whole country is a massive dumpster fire that had to choose between a spray bottle or a can of gasoline to put it out.
Edit: I should clarify that the population should have still voted against Trump(note the wording there) and that it’s shameful that so many of them voted for him. What I’m responding to is the fact that people didn’t avoid Kamala because she was a woman or of a darker complexion and I don’t think we can blame old racists for this one.
And just like the first commentor, 95% of my roadrage is “how have none of you figured out that tailgating is literally why this traffic exists I figured it out on my first trip on the highway!!”
God, I love the metro. My blood pressure and general mental state has improved so much.
Right but the right’s entire thing is to scream “witch hunt” every time they’re caught for doing obviously wrong things.
If they don’t blow themselves up, that is.
Man they’re not even doing the dog-whistle thing anymore, huh? Fucking disgusting, I hope he experiences the everlasting warmth of a car fire in the near future.
“Cited the inauguration’s importance” bruh you’re just a fucking audience member, you can watch that shit online. Now go to court.
Tougher job requirements and easier to punish you when you fuck up. Hell, you don’t even have to fuck up that bad and this idiot’s about to tank the entire country even worse and lose nothing.
Asked about reports that some left-leaning senators – like Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and John Fetterman (D-Pa.) – could back Kennedy’s potential nomination…
Apparently it’s just that people widely agree that the U.S. food regulations are a joke and companies get away with too much but they also won’t actually back RFK because he’s fucking crazy when it comes to everything else.
Don’t worry, his supporters think he did great because not a single one of them can think for themselves for even a moment.