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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023

  • Then the government should consider that.

    To be rich one simply needs to do what is exemplified by them. Obviously, right?

    So, don’t pay tax,

    Assume the law doesn’t apply to you

    Cozy up to the shadow side of the inner circles, the generally unknown but protected people, think adult children of police and judges.

    For whatever reason, drag every court case out and take everything to trial.

    Dumping forever chemicals and commiting treason while on national television are also fair game, imo.

    When the law is applied unequally = no one, high or low, will respect the law.

    I am in the most danger to die when I am in the presence of the police. Respect is not a word I associate with that profession.

    Monster. Liars. Abusers. Bully. Serial killer. Murderers. Hellbound. Those words make up my mental association map.

  • It FLABBERGASTS me that people get on internet forums knowing anyone could be from anywhere and have ulterior motives and not run everything thru the very basic filter of “qui bono”, which is latin for Who benefits? The double tap is “Follow the money.”

    If the opinions put across lead to a conclusion that politically oppositional countries would find beneficial…guess what…you’re talking to someone on their payroll. Or worse, you’re talking to useful idiot doing the job for free.

    I’ve called out hundreds of shills over the past few years. Hundreds. The only rational way to look at opinions online is askance.

    There’s a new word for you, it’s personally my favorite, so remember it, use it, love it, spread it, and apply it to the internet. And tell others to do so as well.

  • The middle class is gone friend. For 99% of America two educated working full-time adults don’t earn the same purchasing power as one of their grandfather’s.

    Anyone who insists that there’s a middle class is delusional

    Any home owner is delusional if they think their home ownership would survive a single cancer diagnosis.

    The system is designed to ensure that you’ll lose everything by the end, no matter what. The only peaceful resistance we have left is to refuse to breed, denying them more chattal.

  • In my mind, if a company wants to set a generalized education requirement, above high school, that company should be required to pay off its employees student loans. Otherwise it’s using the education system as a subsidized training program.

    Note I said generalized. Engineers, doctors, etc who desire to ever be employed can’t stop at a bachelor’s anyways. Even still, their employees should have to pick up their training tab.

    Business has gotten a free pass for 40 years and look at the society they’ve created with it. Maybe civilization needs more than a love of money to sustain it. Crazy huh.

  • Exactly. Cue the accelerationists.

    BLM was the largest continued protest in American history. Democrats took a knee on the capital steps and changed a street name in DC. And that’s it.

    I’ve been told since 2008 the recession is over. the news story ≠ real life. Idk anybody any better off today than they were in 2008. Everyone’s a bad week from homelessness. 99% of Americans, with 2 educated working full time adults do not earn the purchasing power of just one of their grandfather’s.

    And the people are seeeeeeeething. We are a nation full of veterans and cosplaytriots, with more guns than people. The rich are naive to think they’ll survive the purge, all that needs to be said is ‘keep what you kill’ and the gene pool will be bleached.

    I don’t even blame the accelerationists. Change doesn’t occur gradually or thru voting. Change happens in a pen stroke, under duress from public dissent. As it always has. Incrementalism is just the rich whittling our rights away, the rights paid for in our ancestors blood. A whole lot of good men died for the 8hr day, the 40hr work week, to ensure machinery got physically disconnected before servicing.

    Liberals are corporatists conciliatory to change, but they’ll never lead change because its the right thing to do. Their morality is making money, and that’s it. That’s why they lose, cuz they stand for nothing. Puppets to profits, merely a meat shield to deflect the owning class it’s proper hatred.

  • Not only that but say I run a bakery, why should I have to devote a crazy amount of time learning medical insurance speak? That’s time that I should be spending thinking of new things I can sell. That’s the whole point behind specialization. I don’t give two-girls-one-cup shits about the ins and outs of ANY insurance policy. I buy what I need and I need it to work when I need it. My interests begins and ends there. and that’s a REASONABLE position to take.

    Why are we allowing ourselves to be extorted by medical insurance muckbangs?

    The whole industry deserves doxxing and relentless public shaming. I’m not advocating violence. Like protesting outside assistant mid-managers houses. If identities got stolen and credit scores ruined…well, I’m not condoning it but I’m not gonna lose sleep over it either. Make the whole industry undesirable to work in.