Gay furry IT person.

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 11th, 2024


  • At its core it is a sandbox war economy simulator in space with some bad (optional) story tacked onto it. It offers some tutorials but most things will be learning-by-doing. The battles are quite fun and you can participate with whatever ship you like, from fighters, frigates or corvettes all the way up to destroyers and carriers. Building your own stations to fill the deliberate shortages of the NPC economies is very satisfying and the station designer is easy to use. The universe is somewhat dynamic with warring factions being able to take over territory of other factions and the Xenon faction posing a threat to everyone although these changes are slow so you won’t be rushed into defending yourself (except if you setup shop near enemy territory).

  • No, the equivalent would be a kernel panic that the other user had linked. This is a situation where the RAM is fully used and a program’s request for memory cannot be fulfilled. This is still a very bad situation because pretty much everything will grind to a halt. The Linux kernel thus makes a decision to kill a process (or multiple) until enough RAM is available again. Usually it kills the process with the most used RAM, but there’s methods to influence the decision.