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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • That is legitimately a problem.

    For some reason, YouTube’s algorithm heavily favors extremist content if you show even a casual interest in related material.

    It’s probably as simple as “shocking content gets more clicks”, but still, it’s not good for our society to have entertainment platforms recommending extremist views.

    In the old days, you’d have to seek out this kind of fringe content on your own. And you’d get pushback from your community if you started talking nonsense.

    Nowadays, my aunt is getting blasted with reptilian democrat stuff after showing an interest in typical conservative lady content years ago. And there is not much of a community left to help her out. The algorithms just amplify all the worst shit.

  • Sure it does.

    It makes teachers wonder why, yet again, they’re being forced to bear the brunt of the culture war, and they’re going to eventually quit.

    Then the schools won’t be able to find good teachers, the education system will be further deteriorated, and private schools will become the only schools worth attending, further eroding the future prospects of working-class Floridian children and America as a whole.

    I don’t think that’s the grand strategy at play, I just think the people in charge don’t care if it happens, as long as they get enough praise from their voters.