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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • yes the whole nation is in jeopardy because some warmongers arent getting their promotions

    The whole nation is in jeopardy because these leadership positions are being held open until Trump is reelected in a rework of the Merrick Garland SC nomination. Which should be terrifying. Jan 6 failed in part because some of the military top brass (Miley) put oath before Trump.

    Read up on Project 2025 if you haven’t. These “unconnected events” are anything but. It’s a strategy.

  • So, I am an engineer/scientist. Products that I have developed/contributed to development are used by billions of people. Most likely you, the reader of this comment are using it right now, because some of the products I worked on are telecom products, that are widely used to transfer information.

    You’re an employee, actors are (generally) independent contractors so the comparison breaks down. Most people who don’t understand the situation have been making this comparison.

    The closer analogy for you would be if you, as an independent engineer, created a library that Oracle licensed instead of bought. Something they are bundling into their latest database server.

    Should you, as a developer, take less per unit because Oracle starts selling through a new channel? Say the Windows app store instead of through their website directly?

    I mean, it’s ok if you feel like that’s ok but I don’t think most people would agree with you when they really understand what’s going on.

    The unions gave the studios a sweetheart deal in the infancy of streaming so that it wouldn’t smother in the crib. Now that it’s profitable, don’t the artists and writers deserve the same level of compensation for streaming as they get through other channels? Not more, just the same.

  • Didn’t the plants all get safely shut down before the Russians got there? If so, they can’t cause a meltdown unless they actually try to start the reactors.

    Are the shutdown? Yes. Safely? Definitely not. The type of reactor they are and the fuel they use, requires active cooling as it remains hot for years.

    Zaporizhzhia is the plant in question, and it’s water supply is in jeopardy after the destruction of the Kakhovka dam.

    With the plant not in active operation, it’s unlikely we’d see an incident on the level of Chernobyl but it’s far from safe.

  • So first off, I don’t like the headline. All US subs are nuclear, but this feels like burying the story: parking an SSBN at South Korea is a very specific message. It carries 20 Trident II missiles, each capable of carry 8 475kt warheads (but likely only armed with 4 due to treaty limitations).

    38 Megatons of independently targetable nuclear destruction.

    That said, the story also talks about how this will drive KJU from the table - as if he was ever there in the first place. Given the state of their current activities, I don’t think reminding him that he’s fucking around with a country that worked out nuclear delivery via ICBM half a century ago is overly aggressive.

    IMO, at some point, someone (and I’m not saying the US necessarily) is going to have to go in and depose the regime and integrate the population into modern society. North Korea is a bigger threat to world stability than Russia, and today that’s really saying something.

  • RIF should be a case study in UX/UI design: it’s user satisfaction (and really addiction) were a direct result to the ease of use of the interface and the speed with which you could consume content.

    I fucking miss RIF already, and it’s not been 24 hours yet. When’s the last time you felt this way about an app?

  • They need to find a way to make an inherently unprofitable concept profitable

    I’m sorry, not trying to argue but this is incorrect. It’s not inherently unprofitable, it’s chronically mismanaged. Reddit generated $485mm in revenue in 2021 and $670mm in 2022.

    For a relatively feature-complete and mature website, development costs should be a small percentage of that (especially considering in hindsight that Reddit didn’t really ship anything of value. Avatars. 🤮).

    You don’t have to be an MBA to see they’re blowing all their money on too many middle managers and too much expensive real estate.

    They pissed away their best chance to develop a new revenue stream when they fired Chooter and ruined AMA. At that moment, a competent board would’ve reigned in spending. Not halted, just acknowledge that future growth just got stunted.