How does quality of life suffer when we own our own homes, have privacy, safe neighborhoods, decent schools, peace & quiet, etc. Help me out here? Not everyone wants to live on top of each other in some clustered city. Thats fine if you do but people should have a choice.
I have not been to Europe but comparing Europe to the USA doesnt work. We have 300+ million people. We have a hugely diverse population with both religion and culture. Texas is larger than almost every Euro country. You should understand easily why there is no way to compare the two.
Well, maybe we like open spaces more and some of us prefer not living right next to shopping and activity centers? is that so bad? Not to us it isnt. Different strokes for different folks. The village I live in is very walk-able. We take walks all the time. So do lots of people. Kids that live close enough to the local schools walk to school also. Most have a fairly short ride which does require a bus.
However, no, we do not walk to major shopping centers, our jobs, etc. So what? Who has the right to say were wrong for using cars as needed or desired? We like our acre sized lots. We like having some privacy. We like our yards, patios, etc, etc. It doesnt make us monsters. Its just how we roll. We dont tell you what to do or how to live in Europe, right? Of course not. I could say the same thing about you “missing” out on our small village living(of course any small local shops can and do get walked to) and open spaces. You like it all packed in and close. We dont. Thats OK. No one is right or wrong here
You have 700 million people but its broken up by separate countries. You dont think that makes it a tad different than the USA which is a melting pot of… yeah, lots of European people and various other nations? It sure does. Gee though, I thought I did agree somewhat they we do need to embrace the smaller car.