I just left a SAFe company! God the system was awful!
I just left a SAFe company! God the system was awful!
Tickets aren’t agile, tickets are scrum.
The heck you’re talking about? There’s a ton of free resources to learn the basics.
https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/csharp official Microsoft learning resources.
https://dotnettutorials.net/course/csharp-dot-net-tutorials/ for C# basics and .NET framework (which is backend standard).
For game engines you need specific tutorials in those engines.
The answer is impossible to answer until you tell us more about your needs. Better choice considering what?
In general, untill you have terabytes of data or a significant amount of traffic (operations per second) database choice does not matter and you should be using cheaper option, where the cost should be assessed as a derivative of price of hosting, cost per operation, cost to deliver (how familiar you are with it).
When you have significant amount of data or traffic - only then you should worry about database kind or language. Until then this could be a premature optimization.