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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 23rd, 2024


  • I mean, I don’t disagree with you, but we both know people will reject that as government overreach and call it socialism. Esp in the USA culture, people are in love with their own ignorance above all else and will justify to you how their 10 year car loan is ‘worth it’ despite the objectively poor choice that it is.

    My favorite irony is telling people I use savings and 401K matching and them telling me that I am ‘wasting money’ saving/investing because ‘you’ll just die of cancer in the future before you can spend it’. It’s just… pure bitterness and a willful lack of self-respect.

  • life is callous. and plenty of people decide to be drains who could be productive. it’s also why you buy insurance.

    it has happened to me. my dad died and left us with tons of debt when i as 16. and instead of being a whiny bitch about it, i got a job and starting contributing to my family and we were able to pay it off through hard work and sacrifice of luxuries. i was hospitalized for month a few years ago and almost lost my job and had $5000 in unexpected hospital bills. i learned that the only person in life who will ever take care of me… is me, so i decided to take care of me. and now i’m doing great instead of being another whiny entitled millenial who thinks saving is ‘says it’s for my mental health’ when they take empty their savings account to take a vacation to the maldives

    you know what’s ironic. I don’t see immigrants making 30K/yr whining about how they can’t afford a home and retirement and education. I see them working their asses off, and making sacrifices to get ahead, applying for scholarships, living at home, working menial jobs and saving where they can. because they aren’t entitled nitwits who think luxuries are a given. they know they have to be earned.

    what i see is a lot of entitled upper middle class people with six figure salaries who expected the world to be handed to them getting mad they can’t afford a home/retirement because they are spending $5000+ vacationing each year and five figures on other luxuries while they doomscroll on their $1500 phones and whine about how unfair their life is and how unhappy they are and how much their therapy costs them and they will never be able to retire! yeah… no shit they won’t… because unlike the immigrant they are lazy entitled idiots who refuse to be responsible for their own futures.

    I mean, I don’t disagree with you, but we both know people will reject that as government overreach and call it socialism. Esp in the USA culture, people are in love with their own ignorance above all else and will justify to you how their 10 year car loan is ‘worth it’ despite the objectively poor choice that it is.

  • So what should I assume? that’ i’m going to get cancer in 5 years and therefore spend everything i have now so i can start living paycheck to paycheck? on what? hookers and blow? travel? stupid shit that will give me a few moments/days of happiness now so i can live in poverty in my old age?

    life is about choices. make your own. but don’t expect them to not have predictable consequences and get mad that those consequences happen. I made mine. and i do very much begrudge bitter people who made poor choices who blame others for making good ones that benefit them life-long.

    all i see in these articles is wealthy folks whining because they have no self-respect and no self-control and want to blame other folks for it rather than taking charge of their lives. but hey, i’m a ‘privileged’ asshole who has had to deal with early parental death and my own serious medical issues that made me realize nobody is bailing me out of my own shit in life other than myself.