You misspelled “thurd,” butt yeah.
You misspelled “thurd,” butt yeah.
All claims of others’ accomplishments and impossible to prove. Congrats.
I encourage anyone with a sufficiently smooth brain to ignore inevitabilities, you included. Really, y’all are in an enviable place. If two-hundred million in the USA under heat or flood warnings while scientists say the Gulf Stream is on the verge of collapse means nothing more than “it’s summer” to you, good for you. You win. Seriously.
Much of the cynicism online right now is due to an avalanche of reporting that shit is hitting the fan with the climate. Anyone with so much as one child is feeling a retro-antinatalist regret. Concerning ourselves with long ago-gutted anti-trust laws seems like worrying about dirty windows in a house that’s fully engulfed in flames with no fire department within a million miles. Break 'em up, for sure, but what’s the point if the gulf stream collapses next year and we become Mars in a decade. Or sumptin.
It’s important to note here that Catholics helped elect Trump in ‘16 and did their damnedest to re-elect him in ‘20.
Relevance for Musk can never be overpriced. Apparently.
I’m in favor of anything that helps me avoid buying from assholes.
I understand your point, but MasterCard’s faults are several enough that I’ll cut them slack like I will any other financial institution squeezing fee and interest payments from the poorest among us. Credit cards are now required for all online transactions. To think one has a choice among the many available is to think one can choose which lung to breathe with.
Thank you for this. That card is destroyed.
The day Mr. Google tries to enter my home to remove my off switch is the day Mr. Google has a very big problem.
I got banned for saying all remaining republicans are either assholes, morons, or a blend of the two, with the perfect one being a precise fifty-fifty mix. No warning.