• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I don‘t think that article says what you think it says. First we need to accept your comparison and generalize the study to question wether law enforcement will treat you differently because of political views. And then it clearly states that the LOE treated the participants differently (negatively), because of the political views:

    „Nevertheless, he concluded that it is statistically unlikely that this number of previously ‘safe’ drivers could amass such a collection of tickets without assuming real bias by police against drivers with Black Panther bumper stickers.“

    Note that the “Nevertheless“ is in the context of the police only using the political bumper stickers as reason for citation only once. The rest of the citations were for other reasons. The participants had not been cited in all their driving in the year prior without the stickers. This leads to the mentioned statement by the author