That’s kind of spot on. Well done 🥲
That’s kind of spot on. Well done 🥲
How come every f manager hasn’t gotten that memo?
How come every f manager hasn’t gotten that memo?
I already have that one on steam, good catch, I’ll check if it runs well on my little linux box!
Will check out, thanks!
The best developers are the laziest.
I’d take a dev slowly using a library with a one liner than a noob writing 500 lines of code doing the same thing any day.
If you just knew how many libraries we use…
Thanks, will check out the 4 :-) !
Already tried it :-) a bit ooold but I’ll try to plod along for a while.
Stoneshard looks promising, if it works on Linux it’d be a breeze to setup from steam too, thanks!
You mean Heroes of Might & Magic? I remember there were several closely named ones. Played the 3 so much :-)
Hello cafe !
The project is on ice atm, if I get the hang on the API calls for communities and messages I’d probably continue.
I know some people think you shouldn’t scan messages, but they’re free to see out there in the open already? I mean a search engine could actually do wonders for unknown communities, and I’d gladly filter out by some tag or whatever if needed. I mean if I get down to do it :-)
Already had it installed 😊 but didn’t get through the tutorial, a mix of too much “stuff” hard to grasp (right away, I mean it’s the tutorial).
Interesting, will definitely check out now. Thanks!
Thanks, gotta see if a 22 yo game still has it :-)
I’m not a that huge fan of the a bit too random probability to win in PD, have only played the original though…
Or even better Advance wars on my gba micro! 😎 Such a shame that my DS linker died some years ago and there seems to be no new ones, good screen and lots of nice games (I used it for GBA games too because of the screen).
Thank you will check out! I always thought it was realtime.
Moar jpeg!
LUMBIES is open source MIT and GPL3+
Just saying.
I prefer V-cycle for when you have a software with known specs & Kanban for when you don’t really know what the client needs/wants. I mean those magic clients you hear about but never sees…