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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 11th, 2023


  • What’d you really intend with your initial comment, though. I’m not even trying to be a dick here, I just took a poke around your comment history and it seems like we’d get along fine, so I’m really curious why you came out swinging here.

    Are you really offended that I made a crude joke? Is this an extremely understandable expression of exasperation at the state of discourse in our political sphere? Perhaps you were just in a foul mood and, since your comment didn’t get the traction you expected, you’re now reflexively defending yourself using the classic strategy of posting a gif to try and both limit my possible responses and to indicate the opinion you hold of your own position of superiority in this conversation by considering me unworthy of a response you reserve for those you consider ‘mature’ adults?

    Sincerely, this seems out of character for you. I was being flippant, but like, do you actually need a hug? I can’t do more than type <hug> but man, I fucking know how hard this political cycle has been on me and my own mental health, so if you even just want to vent I’m incredibly sympathetic and here for it. Shit starts feeling hopeless, even with some positive reporting on the Harris campaign’s polling.