• 2 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2024

  • I think ‘EEVEE Next’ is just the project name for a bunch of modernized changes, but idk.

    Oh yeah, forgot to mention that’s a good way to use geometry nodes for quick building layouts!

    I wonder how difficult it would be to add floor moulding. It might involve needing to get edge data using a script, but it might also be possible to duplicate edges and find them using a special node group…

  • I’ve taken it for years with no issue except constipation from time to time. Kratom is about as impactful to me as an acetaminophen pill and a couple cups of coffee, which is good since I have to be careful about which substances I put into my body. I take one teaspoon infrequently. The key to taking it is to not take too much. Less=more, since higher dosages start having an inverse effect.

    Articles like this one only seem to be creating hysteria where none should exist. We need more proper studies on the plant, but for now people should treat it like anything else: don’t overdo it. I mean, you wouldn’t take 15 acetaminophen tablets, and likewise you shouldn’t take dozens of grams of kratom at once.

    Disclaimer: some people can’t keep their dosages low and they will develop a problem, so be careful with the stuff (or don’t even try it if you are worried about becoming addicted).

  • Grants Pass has just one overnight shelter for adults, the Gospel Rescue Mission. It has 138 beds, but rules including attendance at daily Christian services, no alcohol, drugs or smoking and no pets mean many won’t stay there.

    Crammed in with potentially dangerous people, having to attend services for a religion you don’t believe in, risking loss of your belingings and with rules disallowing self-medication, all to sleep in a place that makes you send away a beloved family member. None of that sounds humane.

    One designated camping site will allow people to stay up to four days, while the other three allow people to stay for one day.

    Imagine not having a home and being hungry a lot and tired from a lack of sleep. And now picture having to move around constantly. This is cruel but typical treatment thanks to cities like Grants Pass.

    More than 650,000 people are estimated to be homeless]

    Some over at r/homeless believe this number might be much higher. Evidently many people live in cars, but to keep a car you must have a home address, so many people fake it. This makes them look housed on paper. (Disclaimer: I’m not homeless and I don’t drive, so I don’t know the full truth of that.)