Master of Applied Cuntery, Level 7 Misanthrope, and Social Injustice Warrior

  • 4 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023

  • From wikipedia:

    The term cisgender was coined in 1994 as an antonym to transgender, and entered into dictionaries starting in 2015 as a result of changes in social discourse about gender.[4][5] The term has been and continues to be controversial and subject to critique.

    I think there’s some confirmation bias on your end here. The local community (including me) tends to be young and liberal and knows the term cisgender. I’d bet that the majority (by a huge margin) of English speakers (including as a second or third language) has never even heard the term cisgender or doesn’t know what it means. Lots of them will react negatively if you label them cisgender out of pure ignorance and false assumptions - no transphobia needed.

    Only complete asshole transphobes do. Honestly, not even they do. They just lie about it as a gotcha.

    Sure, they exist. But what’s their percentage of the population or the X user base? I think you’re making a false generalization by an invalid extrapolation.

    And just to be clear: I’m not saying cisgender is a slur. I’m just pointing out that the notion that community A or an individual can decide whether some word is a slur or not in community B is ridiculous, and that the argument, from the first comment I replied to, for technical correctness or intended meaning of a word is irrelevant for who considers what a slur.

    I hope that made my point clearer to your dry-nosed primate’s brain.

  • Add-on:

    And even what you describe is already more than what is needed in the USA isn’t it?

    I’m no expert on US gun law, but what I do know, is that blanket statements on US gun law are almost always wrong. Gun legislation varies highly between states. There are places where it is rather lax, and then there are places where it is really strict. It’s been a while (read decades) since I read about it more in depth. From the top of my head: a third to a half of the states has gun legislation comparable to that of Germany (comparable in “strictness”, not wording). New York and one or two other places have even (much) stricter legislation than Germany.

    No idea, if that comparison to Germany helps you, but it is the best reference I have.

  • I’m no swiss law expert, but that’s not what wikipedia says regarding buying ammunition.

    In order to purchase ammunition, the buyer must fulfill the same legal rules that apply when buying guns (art. 15 WG/LArm). Foreigners with citizenship to the following countries are explicitly excluded from the right to buy and own ammunition: Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Algeria and Albania.

    The buyer must provide the following information to the seller (art. 15, 16 WG/LArm; art. 24 WV/OArm):

    • a passport or other valid official identification (the holder must be over 18 years of age) (art. 10a WG/LArm).
    • a copy of their criminal record not older than 3 months, a weapons acquisition permit which isn’t older than 2 years, or a valid European Firearms Pass, if asked by the seller (art. 24 § 3 WV/OArm).

  • […] the US which has 3x the amount of guns per capita than Canada does[.]

    Has Canada one third the per capita gun violence of the US? Spoiler: it doesn’t. People bring up that point because it clearly shows that gun ownership does not correlate with “gun crime”. Guns do not cause crime. Guns are a means to an end. Do you want to treat symptoms? Then go ahead and regulate shit out of guns. Or, do you want to treat causes? Then prevent poverty, establish proper welfare and universal health care.

    If you feel the need to label everyone who brings up that point a gun nut, I will have to call you a smooth brain for not understanding the difference between symptoms and causes. But, maybe we can do without the insults?

  • Well, Timmy can’t take the military issue ammunition home, but there are next to no restrictions for him to buy ammunition. All he needs is a passport (doesn’t even need to be Swiss) and a clean criminal record that is no older than 3 months.

    Well, there’s a pretty good example of why virtually unrestricted gun ownership is a bad idea in the USA.

    Only if you mistake symptoms for causes. The US is a great example though, because no other western nation has such an extreme wealth distribution, poverty, and dysfunctional welfare. And no other western nation has violence problems to that degree.

  • Akshuly, guns really aren’t. At least most of the time. Canada has a high per capita (privately owned) gun ratio, yet next to no gun violence. Switzerland has a relatively high per capita gun ratio and lots of military guns (especially assault rifles and pistols) in peoples’ homes due to their reservist system, yet, again, next to no gun violence. Could it be, that the real problem is criminality caused by poverty and dysfunctional social systems? Also, historically, the strictest gun laws were introduced by totalitarian regimes, most of the time. In an ideal world we wouldn’t need guns at all, beyond sportive purposes. Would you say we live in an ideal world? I always wonder why especially liberal/left-leaning people (not implying/saying you are one) are so opposed to private gun ownership. Especially as a socialist/humanist I want to see as many military weapons as possible in private hands. If the AfD (NSDAP v2) comes to power in Germany I would love to have a vote made from high velocity pointy metal instead of useless paper to avert a 4th Reich or die trying.