Holding out for the Anne Frank Trapper Keeper phone.
I like code.
Holding out for the Anne Frank Trapper Keeper phone.
Saddest day of my life not being able to get a hotdog without a card. Woman literally laughed in my face and said well if you’re too cheap… I wanted to go home and sic my wife on her. But I’m petty like that. A month a ago and I’m still so but hurt. Like why insult me and my finances?
I wish I was this dedicated to… Anything
We are witnessing a hate crime.
How much did it cost to download all that RAM?
I appreciate this. Can I have a listen? I also make music… Sometimes.
Won two three MUAHMAHHAHA. You know what I miss? Youreakas Castle my Jam.
But it’s so sexy. Strongly typed language? *Scoff
:( oh noes
Watchdogs 2. I’m getting to old for this. Recently killed Halo Infinite, Farcry 4 5 6 and some others. Software Engineer. Been unemployed for a bit :/
I love your brain
I love your brain
Shit. That’s a big oops. Been a very long day.