barrbaric [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Before I begin, let me just say that this comment is in good faith.

    All communists want to achieve a stateless, classless, moneyless society, but the key question is: how is a stateless, classless, moneyless society to be achieved? As history has shown, the instant a communist/socialist/anarchist/whathaveyou takes power, they are immediately put under brutal sanctions by the capitalist powers if not replaced in a coup or outright invaded. This would suggest that capitalist and communist societies cannot coexist, thus the achievement of a stateless, classless, moneyless society requires first the defeat or collapse of all the world’s capitalist powers. In the meantime until capitalism collapses, what are the communists to do if they seize power? The answer is what has happened historically: a transitional socialist state is formed, whereby the communist party is in charge of society as a proxy for the working class, replacing the bourgeoisie. When world socialism has been achieved (or possibly when the premier world power is socialist), then a transition to communism can begin.

    There is much room for criticism of these socialist states, such as whether the party bureaucrats would ever actually follow through on the transition to communism when they have gained personal power, but the paths they have laid out are, if taken in good faith, at least plausible.