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Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • Honestly, I’m at a loss. It’s so hard to get a single school of teachers to stick to one policy, let alone at a district or state level. When I send an all-staff email at my school (and they’re occasionally important with scheduling details), Outlook often tells me that only 67% of them even opened it.

    I feel like you’d either have to: a) incorporate cellphones as a tool in class and have standard repercussions (e.g. 1st/2nd time earn a detention, 3rd time earn a Saturday school) for kids texting/on social media, or b) do something like a box on the desk so it’s visible but they can’t touch it.

    I just don’t think it’s possible to ban them at school. Too many parents don’t respect any school authority figures after COVID with all the culture war stuff (fight to return to full day school, fight to not wear masks, fight to censor bipoc and lgbtq+ books/lessons/celebrations, etc.). I think either way, it’ll just end up being another shitty part of a teacher’s job.

  • I work in a high school in a California school district where they’re discussing banning cell phones.

    Most teachers I’ve talked to about it think it’s really fucking stupid because you’re not going to be able to ban them, partly because a TON of parents showed up at the school board meeting to say they would send them with their kid anyway for a variety of reasons. The board also talked about different things they could buy to take phones and lock them up during class or as students come in. Most of the solutions were pretty expensive, and some of the schools are literally falling apart, so that also pissed people off.

    A great start would be to have a campus-wide rule that is CONSISTENT. Some teachers give out a detention if they even see the phone. Some do activities with QR codes and use them as tools. Some have boxes on the corner of their desk and students are required to keep their phone in the box so the teacher can see if they reach for it. We have students with free periods, and if they don’t go home, they hang out outside around campus or in the library. Should phones be banned then too? Or just during class?

    There are so many ways to try to deal with it, and at least in my school (not even the district as a whole), every teacher deals with it differently. I doubt the state of New York is all that different.

  • For a long time, Weight Watchers has said that if you just follow their points system, the weight will melt off and you won’t need supplements or anything else. When most people think of Weight Watchers, they’re probably not thinking about the weight loss drugs they now support; they’re thinking of the years of points gimmick that make you feel like you can’t lose weight unless you pay $10+/month to see if you can eat that food or not (rather than teaching anyone about calorie intake vs. output).

    Weight Watchers relies on a subscription based model to “save” people from their fatness, and Oprah was the biggest WW pusher. She had tons of money and resources, was even on the board of WW, and still needed medications to manage her weight. I don’t give a fuck, but people who bought into her ads and promos probably feel a little pissed off.

  • No one should get any time for abortion, but it’s not like this man and woman are hardened criminals. They bought into a fad, did what they saw LOTS of other people doing, and tried their best to put out a fire they couldn’t put out. They fucked up, someone died, and lots of lives are changed forever. Over a million dollars in fines, some jail time, probation, and lots of community service doesn’t seem inappropriate to me. I feel bad for the family of the guy who died doing his job, and I feel bad for all the people who lost their homes and probably some pets, but… I guess I don’t understand how much more you need to feel like justice was done.

  • You’re a genius for solving that the way you did.

    It’s so uncommon for kids not to like story time, even the squirrely kids. I used to be an elementary school librarian, and there were maybe a couple of kids per grade level (like 95 kids) that didn’t like it. I tried to be as engaging as possible, use different voices, the book pages were always facing the class so they could see the pictures; nothing worked.

    Maybe if I had threatened the boogie man… Maybe not. Their parents probably would’ve been pretty mad. Lol