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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 1st, 2023

  • Watch some of Larry Summers talks - he predicted this inflation as Biden was gearing up to pass the IRA. He bailed out deadbeat students, screwing over people like me who worked their way through college. This increased the amount of money circulating in the economy. Then he printed trillions of dollars to hand out to folks, increasing it even more.

    Biden’s policies directly contributed to and exacerbated inflation, rewarding irresponsible actors and punishing responsible ones. Even democrats and progressives (such as Larry Summers) can see this.

    In case you don’t know, Larry Summers was Secretary of the Treasury under Clinton and Director of the National Economic Council under Obama (and the President of Harvard in between) - so this isn’t some far out right-wing talking point. Biden wanted a big bailout bill to take credit for, and he fucked the economy in the process.

    Edit: I see downvotes, but no rebuttals. So I’ll double-down with links to the interviews I’m referencing.

  • Isn’t this a pretty standard practice across the world? If someone has extensive ties to and/or sympathies for a specific regime, they’ll be more susceptible to coercion and compromise by that regime. Why purposely put them in the place where they are most likely to be coerced and/or compromised?

    You have to weigh the benefit (their familiarity with local perspectives and customs) against the cost (increased risk of counter-intel failures).

    There’s a reason Starfleet sends Captain Picard far away to the Romulan border when the Borg are attacking Earth. Or am I missing something?

  • Please don’t put words in my mouth, or assume that I’m a conservative. Personally, I don’t see how a president could be impeached for something he did as a Vice President, no matter what past transgressions the Republicans end up finding related to Hunter Biden.

    I wasn’t suggesting that Clarence Thomas not recuse himself because his wife wasn’t the judge, I just didn’t understand how her involvement in the insurrection had anything to do with a court case about interpreting the 14th amendment. And I’ve changed my mind on the recusal question after reading some of the good faith replies folks were nice enough to post.