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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I’m not pretending anything and you’re putting words in my mouth I never said or intentionally misenterpreting my words and I’m done with this bad faith argument of yours.

    I’m not Mike Johnson and acknowledging discrimination doesn’t make me privileged. You can discriminate all you want it doesn’t make it any less discrimination. Nor does it make discrimination against someone even if they might be privileged any less discrimination.

    If you really think someone who just happens to have been born those things and gets the worst treatment than someone who, say is, POC and/or LGBTQ, who is better off than someone who is homeless for example you’re delusional and extremely discriminative. It largely concerns all of those things, but it’s not as bipolar as american identity politics makes it up to be, it’s more about class politics and politics essentially and way more subjective and individual than you’re making it out to be - which is exactly my point, not a single one of any gender, sexuality, class, anything is a fucking monolith you should discriminate against as one. But you’re free to downvote instead of discussing.

  • But that’s at least partially my point. That’s discrimination, not all white people, not all straight people, not all men, are privileged and if you think that you’re reinforcing the same discrimation you’re supposedly against. Sure, there might be, proportionally, because of historical reasons/historical discrimination, more “straight white men” who are more privileged than most, but that’s more about politics and thinking that way you are already discriminating against people just for being born the skin color they’re born with, the sexuality and gender they’re born with which we all know we have no control over. And that’s fucked up.

    If you really think there are no white or straight people or men that don’t have the same privileges as some piece of shit like this guy or even a bunch of minority people I really cannot trust you’re arguing in good faith. Class etc, privilege isn’t all about the color of your skin or sexuality. Things are more subjective and inidividual than that.

    I agree it makes this turd of a human being more of a hypocrite and I don’t disagree with the comment I replied to entirely. I just don’t see why there is a need to discriminate against an entire group of people just for the way they’re born. I thought fighting against that very notion was the exact point.

    e: Maybe I’m misunderstanding your point and possibly not explaining my point well (I am veeery tired), but anyway. Just because Mike Johnson is an asshole doesn’t mean people should paint an entire gender or race or anything as assholes is my point. I get that the OC is somewhat sarcastic, but still.

  • On top of all that, I wonder how much the types of backports they’re rooting for would be used to acquire the kind of material pedophiles are after. I mean kids will be kids either way and be stupid and the people that are after kiddie porn seem more likely the type of people to know their way around and stay hidden, because they’re literally predators. These backports will be abused by both “the legitimate” side and criminals, so wouldn’t having a “special key” to unlock your backdoor put your children in more danger, especially when you’re sleeping sound thinking you’re safe and therefore not worried about someone, “breaking in”. (Is it still breaking in if they have a fucking key?)

  • I don’t feel that’s true coming from more “traditional” art circles. From my anecdotal experience, most people can’t tell AI art from human art, especially digital and the kind the examples are from - meaning, hobbyist/semi-pro/pro deviant art type stuff. The examples seem obviously hand picked from both non-AI and AI-side to eliminate any differences as far as possible. And I feel both, the inability to tell the difference and the reason the dataset is what it is is because, well, they’re very similar, mainly because the whole deviant art/art station/whatever scene is a masssssive part of the dataset they use to train these Ai-models, closing the gap even further.

    I’m even a bit of a stickler when it comes to using digital tools and prefer to work with pens and paints as far as possible, but I flunked out pretty bad, but then again I can’t really stand this deviant art type stuff so I’m not a 100% familiar, a lot of the human made ones look very AI.

    I’d be interested in seeing the same, artist vs. non-artist survey, but honestly I feel it’s the people more familiar with specifically AI-generated art that can tell them apart the best. They literally specifically have to learn (if you’re good at it) to spot the weird little AI-specific details and oopsies to not make it look weird and in the uncanny valley.

  • It’s sad to see how AI advocates strive to replicate the work of artists all the while being incredibly dismissive of their value. No wonder so many artists are incensed to get rid of everything AI.

    It’s such a shame too. Like you can have a million sensible takes and opinions and views on the topic, pro-AI, but the discussion revolves around the same shit on both sides.

    It is an amazing tool, and could be used (and is used, it’s just obscured by the massive amount of shit and assholes trolling other people/artists) in so many creative ways. I’d been in a bit of a rut for quite a few years (partially because my brain no make happy chemicals or sleep), but I haven’t been as excited about the possibilities and inspired maybe ever in my life (at least not for a decade or nearly two) with art and my own stuff. I’m finally drawing again after way too many years of letting my stuff gather dust.

  • t-rex isn’t exactly known for being able to take things

    I mean, in defense of the t-rex, it’s not it’s it’s arms that are grabbing whatever it is, it’s their maw. Try resisting a t-rex trying to get something off your hands with it’s teethy mouth you’re not gonna have arms left to resist.

    But then you could, in this hypothetical scenario, argue that it’d be more equal then. Neither of you would have useful arms to fight with.

    I’m betting on the t-rex in a mouth-combat match.

    Even with a bunch of guns, I bet a t-rex could sustain more bullets than a human could sustain one nibble from a t-rex mouf.

    E: and I bet you could teach a t-rex to shoot a firearm even if it couldn’t aim that well. So an armed t-rex would definitely win.