• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • Find the communities you like. There will be communities based around wholesome memes and positivity if that’s what you want.

    The other thing is to use filter lists extensively. I use Lemmy in the Boost Android app. My filter list is constantly being added to (Elon, Biden, Trump, Superbowl, Covid, etc). You’re in charge of making or finding the experience you want.

    If the content is affecting you then find something else entirely. If detached from the live news cycle and watch science based YouTube channels, listen to podcasts of interest, read books and follow websites via RSS. If you don’t like it here then you don’t have to be here.

  • It should be fine. You’ll have to be thorough in removing personal information. I would prioritise giving it to someone I know rather than a complete stranger.

    Everyone else seems to be very concerned about the terms of service, but I don’t know why ToS is of utmost importance to everyone suddenly. Anyone would gladly share their streaming service passwords, would previously rip CDs or DVDs, use VPNs to circumvent porn restriction laws in their country, lied in sites/apps to sign up as a teen, etc…suddenly Steam ToS is somehow sacrosanct.

    This came up recently when Steam confirmed your account cannot be left to anyone else when you die. The conclusion everyone seems to mention there is: if you leave your username and password in your will, how would Steam ever know or enforce this?

    Go ahead. Do what you want.