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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • cynar@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldServer for a boat
    4 days ago

    Your best bet might be to use a laptop as the basis. They are already designed with power efficiency in mind, and you won’t need an external screen and keyboard for local problem solving.

    I would also consider having a raspberry pi 3 or similar as a companion. Services that must be up all the time run on the pi (e.g. network admin). The main computer only gets kicked out of sleep mode when required. The pi 3 needs less power than the newer pis, while still having enough computing power to not lag unless pushed hard.

    I definitely agree with SSDs. HDDs don’t do well when rotated when running. Boats are less than a stable platform.

  • The “Jewish relocation” was wrapped up in a lot of pretty lies to get the German people to swallow it. Thankfully, the people at the time realised the need to document exactly how fucking bad it actually was. Otherwise, we would have a lot of people arguing that it “wasn’t actually that bad”.

    It’s an uncomfortable truth how well they camouflaged what they were doing, and how easily the German people (and the rest of the world) accepted it.

  • It’s also worth doing to see HOW he got to power. He successfully convinced a large number of sensible people to support him. He also successfully rebooted Germany back to a superpower.

    As the phrase goes, those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Understanding how Hitler managed to look reasonable to do many is critical to stopping future Hitlers.

  • The consensus in the trans community is to let a potential partner know earlier, rather than later. It avoids the situation you’ve encountered. Some men also can react violently, when they find out, so it’s quite a critical dilemma to them.

    Unfortunately, not all follow that mindset. They also tend to bust out a lot, and so lead a lot of men on.

    It’s a bit like the scumbag dilemma women face. Very few men are scumbags, yet women encounter them regularly when dating. Most men try not to annoy the women they find attractive. They are careful in their approach mentality. This means they only make a few approaches (relatively). They also tend to pair off, and so exit the pool. Scumbags cast a wide net, and don’t hang on to women for long. This means they make a LOT of approaches, and so annoy a vastly disproportionate number of women.

    Basically most trans people try to be as polite and careful about it as possible. A few, unfortunately, can destroy the reputation of the rest by being scumbags about it, at least locally.

  • I think the key difference is that it’s “easier” to apply a meta to a RTS game. In shooters, the meta often involves quick reflex decisions, where to hide, where to shoot etc. This is hard, and requires practice. It also means there is a significant number of players not applying it, or doing so sub-optimally.

    With RTS games, the metas are easier to apply. This means that, in human Vs human games, the newer players often get flattened. It also means that far more complex metas can be developed and applied.

    Shooters tend to back load the difficulty curve. It’s easy to get into them, and not do badly, but hard to do well. RTS games tend to front load the difficulty. You need to get over the initial hump to get “ok” with it. Once over the hump, the curve smooths off and you get good fairly rapidly.

    One of the big differences between nerds and normals is that nerds enjoy punching through that wall. The difficulty is seen as a challenge, not an impediment. Most people want a faster feedback loop on the dopamine reward. FPS type games deliver that extremely well.

  • It’s not too bad. Relativity says that no frame of reference is special.

    • On earth, a second looks like a second, but a second on the moon looks too quick.

    • On the moon, the second looks like a second, but a second on earth looks too slow.

    Both are actually correct. The simplest solution is to declare 1 to be the base reference. In this case, the earth second. Any lunar colonies will just have to accept that their second is slightly longer than they think it should be.

    If it helps, the difference is tiny. A second is 6.5x10^-10 seconds longer. This works out to 56 microseconds per 24 hours. It won’t affect much for a long time. About the only thing affected would be a lunar GPS.

  • Interestingly it would quite likely have the opposite effect. Adderall is fairly focused on the executive functioning areas of the brain. If you are dependent on it, and it’s suddenly taken away, then you’ll recoil. The Executive functions help regulate decision making and focus control. Under activity in the executive functioning leads to impulsive behaviour similar to the base symptoms of ADHD.

    Take away his drugs, and he will become even more impulsive. He would likely oscillate between sleepy and rage ranting, even more than normal.

  • One of the key thing that LLMs lack is a knowledge layer. In many ways, modern LLMs are hyper advanced predictive text. Don’t get me wrong, what they produce is awesome and can be extremely useful, but it’s still fundamentally limited.

    Ultimately, a useful AI will need some level of understanding. It will need to be able to switch between casual chatter, and information delivery. It will need to be able to crosscheck its own conclusions before delivering them. There are groups working on this, but they are quite a bit behind LLMs. When they catch up, and the 2 can be linked/combined then things will get VERY interesting!