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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 25th, 2024

  • Yeah, unfortunately people don’t understand that, of the IT guys and linux users and sysadmins that are gonna be most likely to want to migrate over here as a result of reddit going to shit, a lot of those are going to be furries and trans people, sure. But the other half of that demographic is gonna be the most incredible middle class financial anxiety liberal grifter white dudes you’ve ever seen, no question.

  • I mean I’m generally skeptical of like “this one weird 19th century ideology can solve all our problems” schtick, right, and I’m also skeptical of the mythical single tax systems, as a kind of simplified and idealistic compromise between your libertarians, your anarchists, and your more standard socialists and communists.

    If you were to ask me in more detail, I would basically say that I think it’s a compromise solution for an extremely narrow set of problems that too often gets extrapolated into encompassing the entirety of a political system. I think that it functions well enough as an ideology within a specific set of constraints and goals, but if you seek to extrapolate it solve like, every political problem, as georgists generally tend to do, then it kind of falls apart, and doesn’t tend to be broad enough.

    It’s basically just a less generalized version of marxism, to me, where land is equivalent in the system to capital, and rent-seeking behavior is only really banned from interference with whatever resources are seen as natural, which is primarily land. I dunno. I think as I slowly go more insane and become more cranky, I find myself increasingly wanting a horrible authoritarian state that just does exactly what I want, because everything I like is awesome, and everything everyone else thinks is bad and evil or whatever.

  • I mean I would just get rid of the GOP if that were a viable option. and probably also the political system in which we live, as a whole.

    I do think more realistically though the only point I’m making is that it’s a kind of insanity to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different outcome, without understanding why they’re able to poison pill anything and everything and roll back any advancements as soon as they feel that the public pressure has let up enough. There’s a deeper issue there beyond just the lack of public housing, an issue that causes that lack of public housing in the first place, and simply building massive amounts of public housing, even if we were able to do that, which would be quite a feat, and something I would be happy about, even that would be a temporary solution, as we’ve seen.

  • So if we can elect like, any old fuck now, can’t we just go even older and elect the corpse of mao or something? cause that’s kinda the only way I see rent, and rent specifically, becoming a non-issue in the near future. This is like one of the main issues which is directly symptomatic of capitalism, and which keeps capitalism as a system directly propped up. I don’t really see any long term solution to it that doesn’t involve a lot of no longer having capitalism. Other capitalist countries still have this problem. It’s only like, china and the former soviet union and apparently barcelona with superblocks which are still gonna be subject to market demands and rates, it’s only those countries which are going to be constructing such an excess of housing that a good amount of it can remain empty, which is also the case here as well but with the caveat that we still have massive amounts of homelessness and the empty housing is basically just to increase demand on top of straight up not having enough housing even were we to construct mass housing projects.

    I dunno, this is a pretty good encapsulation of why we are specifically incredibly fucked and how this incrementalism isn’t going to work at all to address our current issues. We’re cooked, lads. Get the titanic band to start playing the song or whatever.

  • Look up the definitions of both of those words and then get back to me.

    Rapport means like, a reputation between two people. report is a word that can have a bunch of different meanings, one of them, as a noun, listed third on google’s listed definitions, because I did look it up because I thought I might be wrong when you pointed this out, is “a sudden loud noise of or like an explosion or gunfire.”. Me personally, I kind of thought and still perhaps think that it stems from the idea that, you are hearing the report of the gunshot itself, when you hear the sound. Sort of like how thunder is a way to describe the sound of lightning rather than lightning itself. And it’s a “report” because it tells you about the thing from which it originated based on the nature of the sound.

    So, I dunno, fuck off before you decide to start questioning me on the basis of my misspellings rather than on the basis of my proposed information. Sure, I’m an armchair guy making armchair statements, that’s everyone on basically any website on the internet. Go ask for credentials from anyone else making statements about this shit, you probably won’t get any. Did you attempt to dispute any of the shit I actually said? Nope, instead you decided to question my ability to distinguish one word from another. Maybe I was using text to speech, maybe I’m ESL, maybe I’m just stupid, who knows, but apparently you were just as easily able to understand what I said so I guess it doesn’t really matter in the end, huh? Go ad hominem yourself in the mirror, you costco ball ass removed aaaaand post

  • I don’t know why we’re still having this conversation because people made ironic jokes about trump being in the wwe and knowing how to blade. If you listen to the extremely peaked out audio, you can hear the report of the gunshots, which would not be possible with blanks. They have a different sound signature, different sound profile. You can likewise hear the difference in caliber and therefore sound profile when the secret service fires back. This guy fully shot in the direction of the president. There’s not really any plausible way this was fake.

  • I do think people are becoming overly worried about this sort of thing having a negative effect, or a large amount of sway. I haven’t seen really anyone who doesn’t have a schizo political affiliation actually commit these sorts of things. The guy who killed shinzo abe killed him for affiliation with a cult, the guy who tried to kill reagan shot him because he was undiagnosed and thought a celebrity wanted him to do it.

    I don’t think the right wing has enough support broadly, and the hardcore groyper trump types definitely don’t have enough support, in order to actually have some sort of large scale mass riot or protest like with BLM. Charlottesville is about the best they’re gonna be able to do. But despite their relatively lower numbers, and we’re talking like, a fraction of a fraction of a fraction here, we’ve seen that they are overwhelmingly ready to commit political violence over other political groups, as one might predict and as we saw during BLM. I agree with lots of people that are saying we might get retaliatory attacks from this, but I’m also agreeing that those might’ve happened anyways just as well, or might’ve happened for any other reason, it’s really hard to tell.

    Your average trump supporter, though, I’d be incredibly surprised if they did anything, and I don’t think this is going to result in civil war despite how much people seem to want to manifest that as a reality. I’m more concerned with how this has probably just ensured that he’s gonna get back in the white house.