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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • You should not stand for those keeping you away from genuine relief and contentness

    You are right. I will not stand for that. Which is exactly why I I ignore people like you. Because YOU are the one trying to keep trans people from the relief and contentment that transition is known to bring.

    The relevant facts of the matter are:

    • A treatment exists.
    • The treatment works.
    • The treatment is safe.

    The only reason you are arguing is because you personally don’t like the treatment.

    And your opinion on other people’s healthcare is irrelevant, and something you should keep to yourself.

  • okay, I acknowledge that maybe it’s not prohibitively expensive for the end user.


    Acknowledge that you were parroting a ridiculous conspiracy theory.

    There is not enough money in this to justify what you are suggesting.

    You don’t think the development of new products to sell you also makes money for other companies in the chain?

    What new products?!

    It’s testosterone and estrogens, that’s it.

    They have to develop the product, ways to harvest or synthesize the chemicals in it, deliver it, test it, and refine and iterate upon it.

    Every drug and procedure trans people take was developed for cisgender people first.

    There are basically zero new, trans-specific products.

    I cannot say this strongly enough: what you are saying is a ridiculous conspiracy theory that has zero basis in reality.

  • they’ve fooled everyone including you, and it’s all for money, because these “treatments” rake in ridiculous amounts of money

    No they don’t.

    Most HRT is less than $50 a month. And trans people make up 1% of the population. Surgery is expensive, but even fewer trans people get those, they tend to be one-offs, and are only performed by a few specialists.

    In comparison, therapy costs $100 a week.

    You think medical and research organisations in countries all around the world are all risking their reputations to obscure the truth on a highly scrutinised treatment, in order to… Make less money than if they suggested therapy? To take less than fifty bucks a month from one percent of the population?

  • sigh I don’t know why I bother speaking with TERFs.

    There is harm being done to the entire class of women for the loss of the concept of sex as the source of female oppression. Sex matters and these distinctions are being removed in language.

    Firstly, that has absolutely nothing to do with what I wrote or the chain of comments thus far. It’s just a completely non-sequitur accusation.

    But secondly, this isn’t happening.

    An intersectional understanding of oppression and privilege does not erase the oppression cisgender women face.

    And the distinctions in language are absolutely not being removed. The words “transgender” and “cisgender” exist precisely to make discussing these issues in a clear and respectful manner possible. That’s exactly what those words are for.

  • Any promotion of the concept of gender and gender roles in schools is a bad idea in my opinion.

    Gender is a concept that exists. That kids will interact with throughout their lives. They deserve to be equipped with the information that helps them makes sense of that.

    The “genderbread person” that pops up is one instance, and it’s discussion of gender includes gender roles: those are societal expectations of actions and characteristics.

    It doesn’t include gender roles in any version that I have seen.

    The closest I’ve seen it get to gender roles is “gender expression”, which it touches on to explicitly separate the concept of gendered expression, from gender identity and biological sex.

    In other words, it does the exact opposite of the thing you fear that it does. Its entire purpose is to state that the things you described about yourself earlier, such as being a tomboy, are separate from gender identity and biological sex. That being a tomboy, or having interests that are stereotypically gendered, DO NOT make you that gender.

    Regarding gender roles, how do you respond to the current zeitgeist that asks if gender nonconforming women in literature and film are in fact trans? For example, Jo March in Little Women, and Mulan.

    Those can be interesting conversations even if the answer at the end is “they’re still cisgender”. Cisgender people have been writing gender into stories for a long time, and a lot of those stories do end up have themes very relatable for trans people. Relooking at media through a queer lens is not harmful.

  • If I were a child now, I would potentially be pushed to be trans or NB.

    No that’s not how that works. People aren’t “pushed” into becoming trans, let alone into a medical transition. Trans people, especially trans youths, usually have to fight tooth and nail to have their identities taken seriously, and even harder to access healthcare.

    especially because at least certain segments of the trans argument seems to hinge on enforcing gender roles.

    This is just such tired nonsense. I have never met a community more supportive of people breaking gender norms than transgender and non-binary people.

  • You know your text is still there, right? Like it’s still totally readable and still totally there.

    Yes, actions, not beliefs. People can believe whatever the hell they like. They don’t actually get to act on those beliefs in all cases though. They don’t get to discriminate if they want to run a business in society.

    Yeah, okay. I’ll just go tear down the prayer room at my work and tell everyone they have to conduct their workday the way I do from now on. It’s fine. Some darq person on the internet said we totally do this all the time and it’s way easier than respecting their inconvenient beliefs; which are void now anyway since we’re reconditioning them to be more compatible with our ideal society. Also, all veterinarians have to provide euthanasia services. Oh, and a bar can’t refuse entry to someone exercising their right to bare arms. And flatearther reconditioning camps. Actually, just all sorts of reconditioning camps. We’ll take away that individual freedom, wash those beliefs out, and get them just how we like 'em. By the end of this, they’ll have to take photographs of whatever we fucking tell 'em!

    I’m going to say it again: Stop arguing with people you have imagined.

  • Being a member of a protected class is not some kind of trump card you can play to get whatever you want from whomever you want it.

    Never said it was.

    The rest of your comment is similarly meaningless. You must have misunderstood me. The service would, and could, be denied because they are asking for a Nazi-themed service. Being a Nazi is a choice, not an immutable trait, nor a protected class.

    Nowhere have I said that gay people shouldn’t be denied service for any reason, only that they shouldn’t be denied service because they’re gay.

    How are you feeling about your statement right now?

    Exactly the same as before you made your utterly irrelevant comment.

  • There is a fundamental difference between immutable traits, such as race, gender, sexuality, and physical ability, and political beliefs. So your comparison to “something you strongly disagree with” is not fitting analogy.

    Your beliefs will of course outrage some people that have opposing ones, but they are yours and they should be protected no matter what they are or how wild or somber they are.

    We aren’t talking about “beliefs”. We’re talking about actions. Discrimination is an action.

    It is only when you actively start harming people or directly denying human rights is when it becomes an issue…

    And denying people goods and services based on who they are is harming them. So it is an issue.

    You can’t make someone do things against their beliefs, just as you wouldn’t want to be made to do things against your own.

    We can and we do, all the time. That’s part of living in society.