Pronouns he/him
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  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • and they don’t get maimed by robots much


    • Is there evidence that Chinese workers have high high rates of this?
    • People are getting maimed at Tesla plants all the time.
    • The US created the neoliberal WTO to crush labor rights worldwide, worker safety among them. The only reason the US is sabotaging the WTO now is because that system no longer favors it.


    Honda and Toyota posed the same problem and they were forced to create factories here in order to eliminate the labor cost disparity that would have destroyed the lives of UAW members.

    I don’t understand. Were Honda & Toyota forced to, or did they do it out of the kindness of their hearts?

  • I’m of the opinion that we can’t expect any improvements from the political class before we take more of the profits so we can buy those politicians like corporations have.

    The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house. — Audre Lorde

    I don’t think we should try to play the game by the capitalist class’ own rules, which they created for themselves. We’re never going to be able buy the political system by outspending the capitalist class: they own the means of production and it’s their political system.

    Right now labor is very divided, shattered. It was significantly more organized a hundred years ago, though still divided along racial lines, a mistake we mustn’t repeat. People don’t seem to remember now how many socialists existed back then and were deeply involved in that organizing, before they were crushed by red scares and other skulduggery. And unfortunately almost all of our surviving unions came from explicitly anti-socialist roots, the others having been purged. Socialists are still extremely few in the US.

    We can’t buy government, and we know our vote alone has very little power. What we need is a resurgent, re-organized labor movement, and new labor media (we used to have our own newspapers!) to counteract corporate media, and we need new mass industrial actions that fit today’s material conditions*. That’s how we forced the state to make concessions in the past.

    *Simply organizing “blue collar” workers again won’t cut it, because many of us are not that now.