Dice maker, gamer nerd, developer, Dolphins fan. Reddit refugee (maybe).

Still fighting the 80s 8-bit wars, one port comparison at a time.

Me on Mastodon

Me on Pixelfed

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Dave@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldGenerative A.I - We Aren’t Ready.
    4 months ago

    I’m starting to think that we need to see AI research in the same way we see biological weapon research - a visit from a SEAL team or a cruise missile for any identified laboratory. Smash the disks, burn all the print outs!

    Okay, this is hyperbolic and unrealistic, but I agree with this lion-maned YouTuber - we are really not ready.

    AI as a tech is game changing, but it practically demands at least UBI (and probably some form of socialism) as a prerequisite. We, meanwhile, are still electing conservative governments! The same arseholes that will label the legions of unemployed artists, actors, musicians, coders, admin assistants etc etc as lazy and cut their benefits.

    Does anyone truly believe that a tech that can replace half of human jobs is going to create happy outcomes in today’s society? Or will it just make tech-bros and scammers richer, and virtually everyone else poorer?

  • Dave@lemmy.worldtoGames@lemmy.worldI am LOVING Baldurs Gate 3
    11 months ago

    Well, my problem is partly that I play docked, so every issue is magnified up to 50 inches… so take what I say with a pinch of salt.

    I managed to get it to run at a fairly stable 30fps, but the settings were so low that everything looked pretty muddy and basic. You can turn off the FSR to get it to look less blurry at 800p, but it still looked pretty bad. Generally, everything just looked a bit unstable, you know? Hair was pixelated, lines were jaggy everything felt jumpy and gritty. I’m sure it would look better on the SD screen itself.

    I also read that Act 3 onwards takes a further hit to performance… so at that point I decided to cut my losses. Shame… it’s the first game where I’ve genuinely felt the SD isn’t up to it.

  • Yeah, me too. From a consumer perspective, music streaming (not just Spotify) has managed to remain a worthwhile offering, the kind we all said we’d be happy to pay for if it just existed back in the piracy age…

    Contrast with video streaming, where you now need to have five different subscriptions just to have a hope of watching half the things you want, where the content changes all the time and geo-limitations abound.

    Take my extra quid, Spotify!

  • Dave@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldI can't code.
    1 year ago

    I’ve been coding for 40 years, it’s both my job and my hobby, and I still feel old and out of touch when reading or taking part in coding conversations outside of my sphere :)

    This is not meant to be discouraging - even the smallest amount of coding you could learn will be immensely rewarding - more to say that coding is vast arena with a breadth of complexity that can often feel overwhelming. So don’t be put off when you teach yourself some JavaScript and then still feel adrift in a conversation about C#.

    I don’t have any specifics to recommend, but I would say that you should start small. Don’t aim to write the next Flappy Bird as your first project, or the next Mastodon. Just concentrate on making a web page say “Hello world!” or changing the colour of some text. Back in the 80s, most kids got their first taste of programming by having a computer shop C64 print “Dave is rad!” on an infinite loop! :)

    Good luck!

  • Haven’t used Bitwarden, but I’ve heard good things about it.

    Until recently I was using Google Password manager and a half-hearted attempt a “system” for unique passwords. Luckily, I wised up and decided to raise my game… after a bit of research, I went with 1Password, and I’ve been very happy with it.

    The integrations are okay, though not perfect. But the thing that has been most useful for me is the Watchtower stuff that basically gamified my security and forced me to change repeated or insecure passwords. I feel in much better shape now, and feel very confident in 1Password’s encryption model. So, for me at least, it has been worth the money.