Plutus, Haskell, Nix, Purescript, Swift/Kotlin. laser-focused on FP: formality, purity, and totality; repulsed by pragmatic, unsafe, “move fast and break things” approaches

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I’ve been looking into building and developing a Lemmy fork using Nix but I got stuck on nixifying the part of the build instructions where you have to combine front end and back end in git submodules. It’s a bummer too because I won’t even write a single line of code on this fork until I have it properly setup with flakes. It’s just how I am. 🤣

    Maybe my flake can help you get Tauri working and maybe that would motivate you to help me get Lemmy working with Nix tooling instead of Ansible and Docker as it is now? ;)

  • Learn Haskell.

    Since it is a research language, it is packed with academically-rigorous implementations of advanced features (currying, lambda expressions, pattern matching, list comprehension, type classes/type polymorphism, monads, laziness, strong typing, algebraic data types, parser combinators that allow you to implement a DSL in 20 lines, making illegal states unrepresentable, etc) that eventually make their way into other languages. It will force you to learn some of the more advanced concepts in programming while also giving you a new perspective that will improve your code in any language you might use.

    I was big into embedded C programming years back … and when I got to the pointers part, I couldn’t figure out why I suddenly felt unsatisfied and that I was somehow doing something wrong. That instinct ended up being at least partially correct. I sensed that I was doing something unsafe (which forced me to be very careful around footguns like pointers, dedicating extra mental processes to keep track of those inherently unsafe solutions) and I wished there was some more elegant way around unsafe actions like that (or at least some language provided way of making sure those unintended side effects could be enforced by the compiler, which would prevent these kinds of bugs from getting into my code).

    Years later, after not enjoying JS, TS (IMO, a porous condom over the tip of JavaScript), Swift, Python, and others, my journey brought me to FRP which eventually brought me to FP and with it, Haskell, Purescript, Rust, and Nix. I now regularly feel the same satisfaction using those languages that I felt when solving a math problem correctly. Refactoring is a pleasure with strictly typed languages like that because the compiler catches almost everything before it will even let you compile.

  • Full disclosure: Trump bad! Biden GOOD!

    You’re disappointed but personally, it’s hard NOT to feel a great deal of schadenfreude when:

    the guy who, for his entire career, has openly accepted bribes in exchange for legislation that is economically violent toward his own constituents now presumably wants the exact same constituents he sold out to vote for him

    and is using small, meaningless crumbs to gain that vote when he could have just NOT ENABLED A GENOCIDE.

    If this situation doesn’t make you a true believer about there being no hope, I honestly don’t know what will. I lost hope in 2016 and have just been laughing through the bullshit since then. It’s exactly as real as pro wrestling at this point.

    no yes

  • Full disclosure: TRUMP bad! Biden GOOD!.

    It’s why I never voted for that piece of shit. The very architect of my indentured servitude (presumably but not demonstrably) wanted and wants my vote. Wouldn’t even piss on him if he was on fire. On fire much like Aaron Bushnell who set himself on fire trying to break through this country’s propaganda wall to bring attention to a literal genocide enabled by the executive orders from this same piece of shit Zionist.

    How far gone is electoralism in the US when the incumbent can run virtually unopposed while enthusiastically enabling a historically brutal genocide?

    Fun days ahead!


  • Do you count the core devs (who maintain/write the core protocol), the foundation (preferably a DAO or voting based organization that is responsible for earmarking the funding for the upgrades and projects for the community), and treasury (that distributes mining/staking rewards and collects the fees for later distribution) as fair distribution? I do (depending on the structure of the aforementioned organizations obviously). Just wondering where you sit on that issue and any of projects that you can point to that have that ideal token allocation you speak of.

    I haven’t found a more fair ITA than Ergo but then again, the Ergo project seems to have trouble paying/attracting really solid core devs other than the founder, Kushti.

    Edit: took out some mention of my favorite project. Want to be impartial here.