That’s not what the article is about. Stack Overflow has kept content that Luigi created up, but removed his username, in violation of Creative Commons. Edited the post to make that more clear.
That’s not what the article is about. Stack Overflow has kept content that Luigi created up, but removed his username, in violation of Creative Commons. Edited the post to make that more clear.
Preemptive compliance.
Do you have other examples? Because the article gave an example of a similar account that was not anonynized like this. Sure, accounts are often taken down, but the content isn’t left up.
At a certain point, even with an ever-expanding number of lanes, everyone having their car becomes limiting not freeing. Because we’re all on the roads all at the same time all the time, it takes longer to get places and we have to spend more of our time planning on the off-chance there might be traffic because a short drive to Tacoma could be 30 minutes or 2 hours. It doesn’t make you feel free to do what you want, because everyone else is also using their freedom to the point that everything is clogged and backed up all the time and everyone is so tired of it all they’ve taken to driving like maniacs since the pandemic.
This is what toxic individualists don’t understand about collectivism: sacrificing a little bit of freedom can get you more freedom in the long run. I sacrifice the freedom to kill random people and in exchange I get freedom from most of the fear of being randomly murdered. I sacrifice the freedom to throw mercury in the garbage and I gain freedom from mercury poisoning. I sacrifice the freedom of driving straight out of my driveway onto a big ugly stroad and I gain the freedom to walk safely out of my front door onto a nice quiet street.
This is a great overview of what we know about Mangione and, if he was the shooter, what likely drove him. Chronic pain is horrible and so are insurance companies.
This is also at least the third story I’ve heard of someone having their life ruined by a beginner surfing injury. He seems like a normal, decent dude (for being 26, rich, and a tech bro) and it really sucks that that happened to him. Murder is bad etc but I get it.
Yeah, though clues are few and far between; the
museum in Tanchico with the Mercedes hood ornament
is the biggest clue. From Jordan’s other writings, the
First age was our time, then humans created an AI powerful enough to genetically engineer humans to be able to do magic,
and that led to the Age of Legends.
Losing consciousness for any reason = ER. A friend passed out during dinner and we weren’t sure what to do, so we called the triage nurse and they were like “ER now!” (He was fine, they never figured out what happened and it’s never happened again, but it’s definitely stayed with me.)
Great criteria. Another “straight to the ER” one is loss of consciousness; people get knocked out in movies all the time so it’s easy to assume it’s fine, but it’s not.
One out of eight Americans have worked at McDonald’s.
404 Media is doing excellent work; if you like this kind of thing you might want to sign up for their newsletter.
The average Black American is ~1/3 white (because of all the rape of enslaved women, basically) so he’s not that much off the average there.
No, they’re still racist because their actions (e.g. voting for Trump) increase racial inequality.
The simplest explanation is that they didn’t do any tests, and this whole kerfuffle is a very successful act of revenge on the IOC, Khelif, and the rest of the sports world.
True, but largely irrelevant. There is no evidence that Khelif has XY chromosomes aside from an accusation by one corrupt Russian boxing official, made after Khelif beat a Russian boxer. They have not produced the test, said where it was done or what the results were.
Here’s an AP News article with lots of information on the IBA and why their claims about Khelif are suspect: https://apnews.com/article/olympics-2024-khelif-russia-boxing-b53b1edda21139d14a572bd35ca440e6
They want them to be so desperate to keep their 3 shitty minimum-wage jobs that they won’t complain about mistreatment. It’s slavery with extra steps.
“Other children my own age”, sure. You weren’t seducing 22-year-old men.
The right thing to do if a 12-year-old makes sexual advances on an adult is for the adult to report it because the 12-year-old is probably being abused!! Not to have sex with them!! What the fuck?! (Not that I believe this shit for a second but even if it were true that makes him just as much of an abuser.)
I believe they do this the same way they do traffic jams, by seeing how many android phones are at the location vs. average.
Yeah, I edited the post to call that out specifically