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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • The US has been on a governance crisis for some time now. It is slow and gradual, but they already had a coup attempt. It is the sort of things that is surreal and only possible to see when you look at it from a multi decades POV. Like Asimov’s foundation, it will take centuries and lots of things can happen in the mean time, but you can already see the empire imploding, rotting from within. Rome took almost 3 centuries to fall, and it was more like an erosion rather than crumble. I can see something similar.

  • All distro’s differences come down to how the chain of utilities is stringed up together. You have:

    • Bootloader
    • Kernel
    • Init and service daemons
    • Package manager
    • Display server
    • Window manager
    • Widget toolkit
    • Desktop environment
    • User applications

    And a whole lot of in-between. Essentially Fedora and Debian each have defined and originated a set of core software that work as standards for the first 4 parts of this chain. Arch is another, even on pure Arch a wizard installer has to deal with those in order to set up a properly working system. For some, those are the most technical and difficult parts of setting up and designing an OS. Then every distro is a variation on the rest of the chain or customizations on the first few parts, but almost always based on one of the —current— three standards.

    There are also philosophical differences that drive technical decisions in the background. Favoring one way of doing things over the other. Debian is usually focused on stability, reliability, security, function over form. Arch is usually about the bleeding edge, speed, max efficiency, innovation, customization, user freedom. Fedora is pragmatic and down to earth, compromising between the two and focused on smooth user experience. Usually different distros will provide some variation or adaptation on those themes. Like making Debian more corporate, or updated, or making Arch easier to install, or making Fedora but optimized for gaming, etc.

  • No one who knew him probably ever did. This is par for the course with billionaires. People see a walking paycheck, they want their ear and their investments. So they flock to him to get their dream projects done, knowing fully that he will steal and claim any success while throwing them under the bus for any setback. Everyone thinks they can control the dragon. But when he is controlling the actual operations usually shit just goes in flames. That’s everything he is ever been.

  • Well, I’m downtown right now and I no longer have my tablet with me. But here’s from the horse’s mouth. It says Galaxy Tab S, but it applies to all Galaxy tablets. There you can see the ctrl key on the tablet’s default keyboard. That key has full functionality for the common shortcuts. That’s undo, redo, copy, cut, paste, and select all. I use them all the time ever since I got it. Both tablets and phones can undo and redo if you connect a bluetooth keyboard to them too.

    The Samsung keyboard for phones also acquires the powers of undo and redo if you activate the swipe gestures.

    I don’t know why it is so simple on the tablet but not on the phones, but whatever. It’s a UX quirk, it’s not some magic that the keyboards are creating. Android has an UndoManager right in the OS since before 2018. It is what apps that have undo buttons use themselves.