Her latest album is significantly different from her previous stuff, if anyone is going to listen.
Her latest album is significantly different from her previous stuff, if anyone is going to listen.
Is Nine Sols in the sale? GOTY for me. Got overlooked by a lot of awards.
Yeah, and it makes an absurd amount of money, too.
I’ve seen plenty of outrage.
It’s just all targeted at the insurance companies.
Same. Was disappointed (but not entirely surprised) to see it getting ignored by pretty much all of the game awards.
OOP definitely doesn’t get to claim static types for only itself either. Fuck that.
Isn’t that how we ended up with Ever Crisis?
I would’ve liked a normal remaster of FF7 with that graphical style. Guessing we won’t ever get it.
I have raged against a printer once or twice. Seems plausible to me.
True, but do you want to be putting your funds with a company that thinks Twitter is a sound investment?
My dog hates wearing a harness. We’ve tried a ton of different types, and he just doesn’t like it for some reason.
He doesn’t really pull on his leash, though.
How many of those were actually good, though?
Genuinely asking, I only saw 3 out of the 5 and don’t remember being blown away by any of them. I’m not sure I even remember the plot of some.
But I can still immediately recall songs from both Encanto and Moana and I haven’t seen either of those in years.
ins feels like insert. uin feels like it skips the first n on accident. To me, anyways.
Just enable format-on-save. That way gofmt can helpfully delete that variable you just added that you were for sure never going to use. You’re welcome!
There technically is!
Well. In browsers, anyways.
Not everything. There’s a list of currently supported and unsupported apis on the docs. Streams aren’t supported at all, for example.
I think it will be longer eventually when more chapters get added, but right now it clocks in at about 6 hours I think. Well worth the money.
No rest for the wicked looks solid too.
I wouldn’t be so sure. It’s a time honored tradition for red states to make it significantly more difficult to vote. Shutting down voting locations in busy (so blue) areas, not accepting mail in votes, etc.