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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Religious extremists: everyone should follow my religion, beliefs, morals, and rules or be punished

    Atheistic extremists: religion is dumb and should not have their beliefs taught as facts (creationism not evolution, etc), but people can believe what they want. Also, don’t give religious people preferential treatment (tax-free churches, absolved of crimes for being a “good Christian”, etc)

    I think “you must believe only my stuff” is intolerant, but “believe what you want, just don’t push it on others” is only intolerant because religion wants to be pushed on everyone else

  • She has currently donated over $15 billion since the divorce (started with $38 billion in amazon shares, now is worth about $40 billion despite stock price doubling in the 5 years since then), none of it with strings attached or being future promises like most billionaires. She doesn’t need tax cuts since she just gets taxed on what she actually spends from capital gains tax (or whatever, I’m not an accountant), she doesn’t stay in media spotlights except for when her donations go out, her donation org website does semi-yearly updates so its not trying to be a source of info or drama, etc.

    She hasn’t lost money because she amazon stock price keeps going up, she’s just not gaining as much as she could be if she hoarded her wealth, but she knows she has more money than she could ever hope to or want to spend in her lifetime, her kids lifetimes, or however many generations $40 billion can support even assuming the amazon stock prices get tanked (very unlikely).

    She just is a good human being with a good heart. It’s rare that people like that have this kind of money to give away for purely charitable reasons, but here we are

  • Ricing came from the term rice-rocket from Japanese car enthusiasts which referred to the mods for their cars (physical mods, paint, stickers, etc). Transformed into rice/ricing eventually just because terms tend to shorten, and eventually jumped to other circles.

    I usually think of a theme as a widely distributed/standardized set of appearances that anyone can load and use while a rice is customized and unique to that person