Mentally ill woman in her late 30s. Quit my jobs with DIDDs to go to work a retail job and go to school.

I’m here to help!


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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 5th, 2024


  • Obviously that’s the case. I didn’t make a statement contrary to it. My point was “even if it’s not guaranteed, some is better than none,” not, “be happy to get anything at all.”

    We should be pissed we don’t have guaranteed access to the meds that make us function! It’s our entire lives in jeopardy! But the person I’m replying to doesn’t yet know that they can have at least some help, and that was the point I was making.

    If this seems aggressive it’s because I’m constantly being attacked on the internet for saying something I didn’t say.

  • “Fundamentally attracts females” sounds like you get your advice from other men on the internet, and not the two women who are both attracted to men that you’re currently talking to.

    Example; my fiance has a gigantic beard. But! He trims the underside so it doesn’t grow out of his friggin throat, and he trims it down so it doesnt grow way up on his cheeks like a werewolf. He gets his hair cut regularly, and aside from that he just keeps all of it clean and free of tangles.

    On other men, this squarish beard would look terrible. But on him, it’s fantastic. He has a longer face, so this is what works for him. And it was advice I gave him (back when we were just friends).

    A dear friend of mine is an autistic gentleman who was having trouble dating online. I asked him some questions, figured out what he can and can’t do for his comfort, and then from there I helped him alter his clothing choices. Nothing expensive, just explained how to change his color choices to work with his skin and eyes! I advised him on how to care for his (very long, he has a sensory thing) hair, and then introduced him to fragrance. He dated two girls until he met his current girlfriend and they’ve been together a year and a half!

    Don’t get your advice from men who aren’t even attracted to men. When you want to know what’s attractive, find and ask the people who are capable of being attracted to you. Anyone else is just wasting your time. And the bottom line has nothing to do with expense or resources or wealth. The style that suits you could be as cheap as t-shirts and jeans you already own, as long as it’s the stuff that works with your appearance, not against.