First Amendment rights extremely strongly endorsed in the current US House of Representatives
First Amendment rights extremely strongly endorsed in the current US House of Representatives
he’s doing God’s work no doubt, deserves to be well-compensated for his sacrifice & his service
plus, found Gramps with the Constitution halfway down his throat the other day
We will fight the forces of WOKE from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli!!!
Watch for upcoming Special Oligarchs’ Clearance Sale!
could also pull a ketchup bottle outta his butt!
Starving oligarchs commence salivating
Thank goodness! The eternally suffering oligarchs will finally get a break from all the riff raff harassment
OK we get it — Black Lives Don’t Matter to the current federal GOP administration — nor do Brown, Red , Yellow nor most WHITE Lives Matter to them
Revoke the citizenship of racist, data-stealing fascist terrorist M$$k & deport his pathetic butt back to his father’s emerald mine in South Africa already
more like what a current GOP voter would want done
they allow women & fetuses to suffer & potentially die when appropriate medical attention could result in more living mothers & babies (including the currently especially-cherished WHITE ones!)
Will the fund cover funerals for those who succumbed to medically treatable conditions from miscarriages & problem pregnancies that doctors hesitated to be involved with for fear of running afoul of antediluvian laws passed by misogynistic legislators?
Once, twice, three times a dotard…
This will please Manley Manynov very muchly—strategic ketchup supplies expected to remain constant
Avian Celebrity Death Match!
Please, give the oligarchs a break!!! Many of them have not made a billion in MANY MANY days!!!
Filthy water strengthens the white nation!
Moderation in all things, including moderation!!
Is the current US regime actually fascist, or is it just some kind of nausea-inducing Keystone Kops reality TV farce doomed to total failure & obscurity?