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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 9th, 2021


  • I don’t have to believe it. I’ve got the data to prove it.

    Ok, this is hilarious! I actually dug into your data, but I didn’t have to dig that deep to find you are COMPLETELY misreading it. Just read this from the FIRST PAGE:

    Within the homeless population, people who are Black, FEMALE, and Hispanic have LOWER relative mortality risk than their white, male, and non-Hispanic counterparts.

    So wait, your data which you used to dismiss the male homelessness issue by provocatively suggesting women were dying in the hundreds of thousands, actually shows the exact OPPOSITE?
    I mean, I am not a statistician, I will be humble for a moment and accept the possibility that maybe I have misread something here, because this level of irony is hard for me to believe. I get things wrong sometimes! Where am I wrong? Point to me where in the data you can get away with saying that female homeless mortality is double. Make it make sense.

  • Kids probably shouldn’t be watching ultra violent games, but that doesn’t mean porn being accessible for minors is not a far more dangerous problem. There is no double standard, because these are two different things. Porn is neurologically addictive. This is an established medical fact. Exposing a minor to more and more sexualized subjects is what groomers do. Interacting with strangers sexually over the internet is not something that should be normalized for children.