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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I heard that this post is bs since the thief didnt whent to the parents, he droped of the baby at a gas station and asked the attendant to call 911 and then whent off his way.

    Its most likelly he done this to not be hunted down by police for kidnapping a child.

    So the people that are defending him here probably arent aware of this so i say give them a break but at the same time they are probably using this to push their tankie pov propaganda bs so lol hard at them if you have to.

  • Honestly this is more a sign that americans culture is getting more rothen, just straight up, censorship is gaining a very real foot (in both sides) and its been working its way to make the religious nuts into full on nuts, and while they probably have been this way since the begining, religion kinda limited their madness by scaring them into believing they where gona go to hell if they didnt behave, but their bipartisan bullshit managed to replace religion in their minds and Just make them dance to wathever bullshit their favorite politician spews out this week.

    And the left is no better, you guys used to promote anti-hate and freedom of speech, but now, What the hell happened to you? their head is so up their own assess that they became what they sought out to destroy, instead of promoting sane discussion they relegated into bipartisan tribalism and started censoring people they didnt agree with, even going as far as to defend the democratic party, even if their interests are as against the general population as the republicans, but since they where the ones that supposedly didn’t want to oppress social groups (even if they totally still fucking do just look at the fucking border ffs) they are right and everything they spew out is right, and while trying to make a safe space online, in academia, and in political discourse, is just naive, promoting respectful language and tolerance to diferent social groups is not a bad thing, but the way they handle it is the definition of “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”, specially in media.

    They ended up making bipartisan hate grow into the other side on top of the hate they already had, and politicians (democrats and republicans ) took full advantage of this and we have what we have now in the political big picture.

    American politics is just a fucking reality show now and I believe they deserve it, only problem is they take the rest of the world between their crotch and fuck us all up since they rule the world/economy. I really hope those guys wake up from their bipartisan bitch slapping nightmare and start fighting the real war which is the class war. Against, you know, the only assholes that get benefited by you too infighting.

    Anyhow rant over, down votes to the right. But whrite a comment first, i really whant to hear why you disagree.