I am against animal agriculture for the same reason I am against sexism, racism, ableism, classism and homophobia.

The circumstances of a creatures birth does not dictate what it is “meant for”, every one deserves to live happy, healthily and with dignity, but some simply want to live.

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 4th, 2024


  • Ticket prices originally used to be fixed by the goverment, which made airlines try to offer the best experince as a way to attract customers. But then lobbyists chanted “deregulation” enough times and airlines could set their own prices. Which of course started a race to the bottom where the way to attract customers was now to slash costs. It’s a big reason how back in the 50s being a commercial airline pilots or flight attendent was prestigious profession, became today where most of a flight crew, pilot included, qualify for SNAP.

  • That’s not true, but I’ve gone round and round with these black pill talking points enough to know that there isn’t anything I could say to change your mind, at least not here in this thread.

    I implore you to seek out new content and to shut off whatever incel sources that told you this. It’s not some harsh but true reality that most people are too PC to say out loud, but a defensive mechanism to blame women for your loneliness. And tragically one that women rightfully see as 🚩 's and stay away from.

    This lonely angry ideology is a self fulfilling prophecy and I can only hope that one day you understand that.

  • You should stop spending your time looking for threads about men as a vehicle to say inflammatory whataboutism and instead consult with a therapist why you are so inflamed by the evidence of patriarchy. You’re literally in a thread about a scientific study of how prevalent the problem is, but all you see is misandry.

    Doing the first can’t possibly be making you happy, probably a frustrating angry way to live. However getting to the heart of your gender insecurity and defensiveness has a chance at actually producing better results for your life.

    Edit: The fact that you think I just hate men really underlines my point.