The worst is all the ones that cheaped out and put a resistive touchscreen. Making it 10 times worse.
The worst is all the ones that cheaped out and put a resistive touchscreen. Making it 10 times worse.
As the total number user of alternative phone OS shrinks, the development of those OS becomes less and less viable. But yes, I would see phones with mid tier specs from 3 years ago charging flagship prices to fill that the spot before it becomes entirely non-viable. I think google does need there to be the appearance of competition so they don’t get hit with monopoly lawsuits, but it only needs to exist, other than that they want it as fringe and clunky as possible and I think that’s where we’re headed.
I discovered that after buying 60 of my favourite phone, the 2018 moto z3. I figured I could mod it endlessly and use it for all my project. Nope, bootloader locked and I can’t even root the damned thing !
It would instantly become the swiftyverse and the rest of the fediverse would defederate. But still would be a positive change overall.
I have never had a household router that had a fan in it. Fanless mini pcs do exists they are rarer and usually more expensive and weaker.
The rebooting problem comes from micro interruption in the power grid. Yes you can add a UPS, but then these will become the main reason why the internet is down (I have a whole stack of APC branded UPS with failed batteries)
I know there are rare exception, but for most phones and most people that simply is not an option.
That used to be the case but the practice was dying by 2014 and completely flatlined after 2020
Without drastic legislative changes, it will become entirely impossible and soon
The main issue is they have fans and the bios will sometime fail to boot. They are less reliable but much more powerful. It’s a tradeoff.
Does the Space Pope shit on Uranus ?
Manufacturers frustrate os replacement on purpose. The vast majority of phones cannot have their os changed by the user. Lineageos is a niche effort for ultraniche phones.
The “problem” exists on purpose. You can’t swap the os on your phone. You can’t repair it You can’t inspect how much it spies on you Your phone hates you.
I can see why a moderator would confuse themselves with the signal. And more overbearing they are more the supposed signal that remain will have been overwritten by them, if not entirely fabricated.
Moderators discriminate what they believe is signal from what believe is noise.
Noise is whatever doesn’t fit inside their belief structure of what constitute signal.
This has been abused to no end, even before the internet by all manners of gatekeepers.
Give me noise all day long, I can’t pull signal that got squelched out.
Moderation must be a subscription.
Raw feed or die.
I must always have the last word on my local filtering. The raw feed must be available to all.
Filtering and discovery algorithm, offline, on device, private, transparent and easily auditable.
All Moderators Are Bad, That’s the null hypothesis.
They do not get the benefit of the doubt, it was always laughable to think they wouldn’t immediately abuse their position to shape and manipulate the public with their power while constantly acting like the victims.
No more !
This power should never have been allowed to hide in the shadows and concentrate in so few unaccountable individuals.
The jannies make me sick !
Yes, moderation filtering as a subscription service.
Crowd sourced moderation.
Raw feed always available on my device, I get the last word at all time on my moderation filters and content discovery algorithm,
offline, on device and nobody else ever knows what my choices are.
That’s the absolute bare minimum that I would find tolerable.
Don’t care, hard disagree, I rather complete chaos than a boot on my throat.
I can handle chaos just fine.
It’s my decision, moderation should only ever be an optional subscription service rather than a jackbooted imposition.
How about I continue using it forever and I just MIGHT not blow up all your datacenters ?
You did the right choice this is not a proper thing to waste your life on and the people you did it for don’t want it either.
I detest moderators, I do not trust them, I do not want them skewing my reality, get out GET OUT, I don’t want your help, I don’t want you, I don’t like you I rather wade through a terabyte of spam and cheese pizza than tolerate you silently altering my worldview one more fucking time.
We’ll go back to gopher if we have to, it’s time for burning chrome.