Once upon a time, before the Nazi killing was reserved for online lobbies, Call of Duty had games take place in World War 2.
They come out swinging, huh
Once upon a time, before the Nazi killing was reserved for online lobbies, Call of Duty had games take place in World War 2.
They come out swinging, huh
Misinformation & Propaganda
What decade do you live in? It’s closer to 2-4x nowadays, and 2TB is nothing
You’re in a thread complaining about a software using a German name for it’s German meaning. Your example for a ‘good German name’ is an English word that has German origins.
Uber is a loan word. Doesn’t matter how your perceive it, that doesn’t make it a more German. So is iceberg.
Bottles does often work, but my go to if often just to add them to Steam as a non-steam game, and let proton figure it out
You’re in a thread complaining about a software using a German name for it’s German meaning (Flohmarkt means flea market). Your example for a ‘good German name’ is an English word that has German origins. Don’t you see how those are different?
‘uber’ is an English word with a German ethnology. ‘über’ is a German word. That’s like saying iceberg is German. u and ü are different letters. They are pronounced differently and change the meaning of words (e.g. ‘Schuppe’ means scale, ‘Schüppe’ means shovel)
über? which you’d spell ueber, if you can’t type ü
He could always emigrate
Like eBay, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon?
Which is also reasonably close to the German pronunciation (which is something like Flo-marked to an English speaker)
Uber isn’t a German word tho?
Your internal meetings constitute legitimate interests and will be shared with our 8 billion partners
[ ok ]
Bumped into someone at the grocery store? You know it, straight up deported
Newsflash about the current inmates of Guantanamo
Get a passport card. It’s valid ID, proves you’re a citizen, and doesn’t have your address on it so cops and the fascists from ICE don’t learn where you live. Keep the original passport somewhere secure, like you said
I don’t want to piss in the All-Nations LGBTQ+ Peace Garden tho :c