PS2 was definitely a huge jump to me, too
The biggest detail for me being that characters blinked outside of cut scenes in higher resolution (for the time) games like The Bouncer.
It stopped feeling like leaps after that. And even that, for me, felt more like polish.
But I love the discussion and I like seeing where and how people draw the lines!
This is a larger problem in our society at large: the financial class basically strangling creativity in search of ever increasing secure profit.
It sucks because the talent is all there to make these games and be creative but big money doesn’t want to take a chance.
So they shit out games that just reprise other things, remake old games, etc. for that more certain dollar. It’s no longer about making the best game of Z genre. It’s about ticking the most boxes to please the most people so the game will sell everywhere enough to fill greedy men’s pockets with money.