• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Mastodon and lemmy handle this in slightly different ways. Mastodon (according to the link) replicates media on every instance while lemmy (mostly) only replicates thumbnails. That means a popular post doesn’t cause load for one server on mastodon but does on lemmy. But Mastodon has a higher aggregate cost due to all the replicated data, which is what the linked proposal solves by making it sublinear.

    If the torrent is instance to instance I don’t see any real benefit (and instance to client is infeasible). On Mastodon side you still have data duplication driving storage costs and bandwidth usage regardless of whether it’s delivered via direct http or torrent. On the lemmy side it wouldn’t gain much (asymmetric load is based on subscription count and so not very bursty) but would add a lot of non-determinism and complexity to the already fragile federation process.

    Conventional solutions like cache/CDN/Object Storage or switching to a shared hosting solution (decoupled from instances like your link proposes) seems like a more feasible way to address things.

  • There are absolutely laptops with fingerprint sensors.

    I’d say the main reason it’s more common in phones than computers is because of the different markets. Phones are mostly consumer purchases, the business market is smaller and the software is more locked down so you can rely on a software disable better sufficing for those cases. Laptops are increasingly dominated by business use cases. Businesses have IT groups that care about security who would prefer models without biometrics.

    Secondarily, you login to your phone a lot more often than laptops so the convenience factor is less impactful for laptops. So people don’t consider the fingerprint sensor a mandatory requirement as much as with phones.